10: you're so complicated. i like that

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Maisie's POV:

My phone rang as I walked quickly through the Monaco paddock. I cursed internally when I saw Chi's name on the screen.

I answered it and put it on my ear.

"Where the hell are you?" She asked before I could say anything.

"Good morning to you too Chi." I spoke as I kept walking at a quick pace.

"Yeah, my morning started like 2 hours ago. You're running 20 minutes late." She spoke and I sighed. "21." She added and I scoffed.

"It's your fault for ditching me for Carlos." I replied and heard her chuckle.

"Hurry up."

"Yes ma'am." I replied smiling and hung up.

As I put my phone in my purse, still walking at a quick pace, I bumped against something hard. My ankle twisted and I lost balance, almost face palming on the ground until I felt two hands holding me, one on my back and the other one on my waist. My heart beat loudly as I looked up meeting a pair of blue eyes staring down at me.

"Hey." He smiled and I raised my eyebrows slightly.

"Hey." I smiled softly.

"This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted you falling for me." He joked and I chuckled rolling my eyes.

He helped me up and as soon as my foot touched the groaned I groaned in pain, feeling a pulsating ache.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting his hands on my shoulders softly.

"I think I twisted my ankle." I replied.

"Let's get you to the medical center." He suggested.

"I can't, I have to interview Alex and Logan. I'm running late." I spoke and tried putting my heel back on the ground but hissed when I felt the aching pain again.

"Then we'll have to run." He spoke and I furrowed my brows.

"We?" I raised my eyebrows.

He stood facing backwards to me and kneeled downs bit, extending his arms so I could jump onto his back.

"I'm not letting you carry me piggyback." I crossed my arms.

"Come on, you're gonna be late to your interview." He spoke and I chuckled giving in.

I got onto his back and he held my legs firmly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked trying to look up at me and I smiled looking down at his fluffy curls.

"A little bit." I replied and he chuckled softly.

"Let's get you to your interview." He told me and I nodded.

He started walking through the people in the paddock, attracting eyes towards us.

"Hey Maisie." Max chuckled when he saw us and I waved. "And Lando. How much do you charge for transportation?" He joked and Lando stuck his middle finger out to him making him laugh.

"And here are Lando and Maisie too." Will Buxton chuckled when we walked by and we both waved at the cameras.

"This is gonna end up in gossip pages, isn't it?" I asked when we were away and he raised his eyebrows.

"Most definitely." He replied and I chuckled looking down, burying my head in his hair. He chuckled along.

We got the Williams motor home and he walked in, pushing the glass door open.

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