14: my hero

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Maisie's POV:

It was a dream come true. They had given me a suite in one of the best hotels. Chi and I almost squealed from excitement when we saw they received us with wine and a gift basket with chocolates and fruit.

I hadn't seen Frenkie or Kiara and I thanked the entire universe for that. So, for now, everything was going great. It was the first day so anything could happen, but I was feeling positive.

I was a ball of nerves, I had to interview not one other than Robert Levandowski. THE Robert Levandowski. I flipped through my notebook of questions maybe a million times before he arrived.

"Robert, you look like you've been training really hard." I joked when I saw him approach me, trying to hide my nerves.

"You guessed that one right." He chuckled and I smiled relieved when he laughed at my joke.

"How are you feeling about the match?" I asked holding the blue Fox Sports microphone.

"I'm feeling way more positive after our last result. I can't be certain about the result of the match but I know we'll give everything. We've been training really hard and going over our teamwork, I'm certain about that." He replied to my question and I nodded listening to him attentively.

"Speaking about teamwork, your team has a lot of new youngsters, how do you work with them?" I asked.

"They're really young so of course it's different with them than with a more experienced player. One of the youngest ones is Pablo for example, but he's great to work with, at the start he saw the others as his idols but with time he got used to it and now plays as great as some of the most experienced ones." He replied and I smiled hearing his answers.

"That's so sweet. Did he look up to you?" I asked.

"No." He joked and I laughed, he chuckled. "He did, he did."

"I'm sure he had his starstruck moment." I joked and he laughed nodding.

"He's an amazing kid, that's all I got to say about Pablo. He's one of the bests." He spoke.

"Well Robert, thank you so much for your time, good luck on the match I'm sure you'll do great." I told him and he smiled.

"Thank you, you're new right?" He asked and I nodded. "I thought so."

"You know everyone around here, don't you?" I asked and he chuckled softly, nodding. "Maisie Findlay." I put out my hand.

"Robert Levandowski." He shook my hand. "But I'm sure you knew that." He added and I chuckled.

"Thank you Robert." I spoke as he walked away waving at the camera.

I turned back to the camera with a bright smile.

"That was Robert Levandowski. Make sure to tune in to see Barcelona play against Vissel Kobe right here in Fox Sports." I spoke and the cameraman gave a thumbs up, signaling the cameras were off.

"That was amazing Maisie, you were amazing." The Fox Sports representative told me as I handed the crew member my microphone.

"Thank you." I smiled and he squeezed my shoulder before walking off.

I looked at Chi and made a face of excitement. She laughed when she saw my face and went in to hug me.

"I just interviewed Robert Levandowski." I squealed excited.

"And you did amazing." She chuckled putting her hands on my shoulders. "I also have a surprise for you." She spoke and I tilted my head confused.

She pointed with her head towards somewhere and I saw Lando, George, Oscar, Carlos, and many others. Even Kika, Lily, and Kelly were here.

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