16: i'll be your lucky charm

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Maisie's POV:

I felt the sun rays hit my face. I shifted around in the bed and opened my eyes slowly. Suddenly, I got a horrible headache. I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes.

I put my hand on my head and looked to the side. I saw Lando sleeping besides me, he was shirtless. I didn't remember anything from last night.

I looked at him breathing in and out peacefully and smiled softly. I felt someone shift on the other side. I furrowed my brows and turned around.

"Oh my God" I almost yelled when I saw Oscar.

Lando and him woke up because of my yelling. I stood up from the bed, my arms crossed in front of my chest as I tried finding my shirt. I was just wearing my skirt from last night.

Lando and Oscar looked at me and then at each other.

"No way." They looked at each other when they realized what was going on.

I put my shirt on and I looked back at them. They were dressing up as well.

"What is this? What the hell happened last night?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything." Oscar replied and I looked at Lando.

"You never told me you had a butterfly tattoo." He raised his eyebrows with a teasing smile, earning a glare.

He was referring to the butterfly tattoo right under my under boob.

"So, what happened?" Oscar asked confused and I shrugged.

"What do you think mate? You have a hickey on your neck." Lando pointed out and Oscar put his hand on his neck, covering it.

"Where even are we?" I asked looking around.

"One of Lance's apartments. I came here once like two years ago." Lando replied.

"Did we...?" Oscar pointed at us and then at him, making a pause.

"No." I replied immediately.

"Why not?" Lando put his arms behind his head, as he rested against the bed frame. "There's a huge possibility we did." He added.

"God." I whispered closing my eyes for a second and walked towards the door.

I heard both of them follow me. I walked out into a living room that was completely thrashed. There were bottle all around the living room. I saw Pierre laying on a couch with dark shades on, Kika on his lap.

Charles was laying on the floor, Logan besides him.

"Last night was something." Lando chuckled and kicked Charles.

He grunted and opened his eyes.

"What the hell mate?" He glared at Lando who chuckled.

"Where's Carlos and Chi?" I asked looking around. "And Max and Kelly?"

"Probably the other two bedrooms."' Lando spoke walking towards the doors. He knocked loudly.

"¿Qué quieren a esta hora? Joder..." A voice answered on the other side.

"There's Carlos and Chi." I raised my eyebrows.

"Found Alex and Lily." Oscar spoke from the other side of the apartment.

I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door and saw Lance leaning on the toilet. I shook him slightly and he opened his eyes, jumping.

"Tough night, Lancey?" I joked and he nodded.

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