19: feels like

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Maisie's POV:

I was looking at my phone with a smile. Today Lando and I were going to our first party as a couple.

Lan 🤍

Should I wear the black dress or the red dress?

You'll look beautiful in either of them

I don't need sweet Lando rn, I need fashion advisor Lando

Let me switch
You should wear the red one, it makes your eyes pop

Thank you, you can go back to sweet Lando

Can't wait to see you

You literally saw me yesterday

Why can't you be sweet Maisie? 🙄

There was never sweet Maisie

True 😔

Can't wait to see you Lan ❤️

Awww, we're sending red hearts now?

Shut up



"Why are you smiling at your phone like crazy?" Chi asked as Carlos helped her put her necklace on.

"I know why. Landooo." Carlos extended the last letter with a teasing smile on his face.

"It's our first party as a couple." I shrugged smiling.

"There you go." Carlos fixed Chi's necklace and she smiled turning to look at him.

"Thank you." She kissed him putting her hands on his face.

"Ew, get a room." I rolled my eyes and they chuckled.


Chi, Carlos, and I walked in the party. I looked around trying to find Lando.

"There he is." Carlos pointed towards the bar.

I saw Lando talking with one of his friends, it was Max Fewtrell.

"Go get your man." Chi gave me a little push and I chuckled walking towards Lando.

I didn't want to interrupt his conversation so I walked slowly towards him. He turned his head and spotted me, a smile appearing on his face.

"Here is my beautiful beautiful Maisie." He extended his hand and I grabbed it smiling. He pulled me towards him. "This is Max, Max this is Maisie."

"Such a pleasure to finally meet the girl who had Lando walking like a dog." He extended his hand and I shook it chuckling.

Lando hit his arm.

"Do you want a shot Maisie?" Max asked and I squinted.

"Why not?" I shrugged and he chuckled turning to the bartender. "Tequila." I told him before he ordered and he raised his eyebrows.

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