13: i like the jealous ones.

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Maisie's POV:

Chi, Carlos and I were walking through the streets of Monaco. I was thirdwheeling as always but I was getting used to it.

"Vanilla ice cream is so basic." Chi criticized Carlos' ice cream.

"It's not, it's elegant." Carlos contradicted.

"It's basic." I agreed with Chi and Carlos glared at me.

"Rocky road is way too much for me." He pointed at Chi's ice cream.

"It's delicious. Try some." Chi put her ice cream cone near Carlos.

Carlos went in to try it and Chi pushed it into his face, his face getting covered with ice cream. Chi and I laughed as Carlos tried licking the ice cream off his face.

"You're so mean." He giggled as he wrapped his arms around Chi's waist.

"And you're so cute." She chuckled as she wiped ice cream off Carlos' nose with her thumb.

"Boo, I'm thirdwheeling." I spoke up and they laughed.

My phone rang and I looked at it. I saw an unknown number and furrowed my brows. I answered the phone and put it on my ear.

"Hello." I answered it.

"Is Maisie Findlay speaking?" There was a man's voice on the other side of the line.

"She is speaking." I replied.

"Ms. Findlay, so happy to have reached you. I'm from Fox Sports." He spoke and my heart skipped a beat.

"So happy you reached me. How can I help?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"Who is it?" Chi asked in a whisper and I smiled at her.

"Fox Sports." I replied covering the speaker and then put the phone back in my ear.

Carlos and her smiled excited, exchanging looks.

"We would like to have you covering the football match on June 6th in Japan." He spoke and I felt my heart race. "It'll be a full paid flight and accommodation."

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much for the opportunity." I spoke.

"Okay Ms. Findlay, I'll get in contact with you. We're so happy to have you in our team for the match."

"Thank you so much."

"Take care."

"You too." I spoke before hanging up. I looked up and saw Carlos and Chi looking at me expectant. "I'm working with Fox Sports, covering the whole football match." I spoke excited.

"Oh my God Mais." Chi squealed excited and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her, jumping slightly.

"Mais." Carlos called me and I looked at him. I titled my head when I saw his worried expression. "Isn't that the Vissel Koba versus Barcelona?" He asked and I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah, why?" I asked still note getting his point. He sighed.

"Mais, what team does Frenkie play for?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows, my face changing to one of realization.

"Fuck." I cursed and he nodded pursing his lips. "Fuck!" I exclaimed and Chi but her under lip slightly. "Fuckity fuck." I kept cursing.


"It's not fucking fair! This is literally the opportunity of my life and he has to be there to fucking ruin it. He keeps ruining my life even until now." I ranted as I put my earrings on. "You know what the worst part is? Kiara is going to be there. Fucking Kiara!"

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