Just an Introduction

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HELLO MY WONDERFUL READERS (even though there will be like maybe 2) Ok well I have decided to write a story since I got bored alright and again 


 and without further ado lets meet our characters 


NAME: GREGORY WILL SMITH                                                      

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NAME: GREGORY WILL SMITH                                                      

SEXUALITY: PANSEXUAL                                                                    

BIRTHDAY: FEBUARY 6TH 19XX                                                      

Likes: Nachos, Plushies, Fazwatch, Glamrock Freddy, Vannesa, Scary Movies, Sharks, Anime!                                    

Dislikes: Blood, Vanny, Montgomery Gator, Burntrap, Cassie, Sizzors, People                                                                      

Fun Facts! He is really fast, has brown eyes, sounds kinda high pitched, tan-ish, great memory.                            

 Friends: Glamrock Freddy, Vannesa, Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, Glamrock Bonnie.                                                

Nicknames; Greg, Superstar, Sociopath, Disgrace, Idiot, G.G., F.S., Murderer, Devil, Brokie, Vin, 

NAME: CHRISTOPHER EVAN AFTON                                             

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NAME: CHRISTOPHER EVAN AFTON                                             

SEXUALITY: BISEXUAL                                                                       

BIRTHDAY: MARCH 30TH 19XX                                                      

Likes: Plushies, Micheal, Elizabeth, Blue, Spaghetti, Jokes,Tigers, Racing,Documentary                                              

Dislikes: Bullies,Blood,Deep Oceans,Father,Circus Baby,Horror Movies,Yelling,Fighting.                                          

 Fun Facts! He has 2 colored eyes, he sounds british, he is really pale, he can do voices, makes friends easy            

 Friends: Cassidy (Golden Freddy) Charlie (Puppet) Suzie (Chica) Fritz (Foxy) Gabriel (Freddy) Bryson (Bonnie) Elizabeth (Circus Baby) Micheal (Glamrock Freddy).            Nicknames: C.C., Baby, B.V., Coco, Kite, S.6., D.B., Stupid, Child, Freak, Brother, Ev


Mysterious Person (Aka Me) if you see this then Idk good luck! I go by M/p or just me. So yeah these are our main characters. In every 5 chpts ill post another character annysalis. Btw my spelling is absolutely shit so yeah.... 

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night/Whatever

Word Count; 280

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