"Its his fault!" 0:05

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Mysterious Person once again doesn't belong to me credits to that YouTuber (they're one of my favs)

Ok so this will have some Gregvan! But once again still a slow burn I'm typing this at 1:16 am 

Good Luck my lil gay peeps.


Gregory POV 

Well I finally finished my horrible shower. Fuck you Vannesa. As I go into my room I feel some one talking about me. As my nosy ass self easdroppe. I hear the two guest whispering. I think there names were Elizabeth and Evan? But either way I knock on the door. 

That cutie that I hugged earlier answered. He looked at me and then his face became red.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask him. He then scurried into the room as his sister came to the instead!

 She asked "What's up?" "I heard you were up you guys want to play a game?" I didn't answer her question thou. "She points it out by saying " Yea we'd like to play but answer the question" She sounded serious I answered back kinda snarky with a "Ehh I'm in one peice and mental sane." She takes a offense to that and asks "why bring that up?" I quickly responded with a "My family here suffered from mental problems that's why there only too of us" She then nods.

We end up walking to my room its very chill with a few stares at my head.


Again •=Liz °=Ev ~=me |= ??

Evans POV

Me and Lizzy were arguing if this boy was cute or not.

~That sounded Gay as fuck~

•Go away now! Forth Wall remember!•

°Just ignore her°

•Mighy as well•

~You are gay thou! ~

°The boy isn't cute!°

•You are in denial! • 

~A whole bunch of am not are are too later ~

|Will you two shut the fuck up were in my room now|

°•Wait..... You heard us!?!?!•°

|Yes now you guys thanks for thanking I'm cute!|


3rd Person

After the mini heart attack that the boy known as Gregory gave the two guests. They finally entered his room. The main thing they thought was damn. good or bad idk. 

~Umm I was gonna put a picture but its kinda like Evans room because Glamrock Freddy designed it aka Micheal ill explains Micheal later. Okay counties.~

As they enter Elizabeth and Evan are kinda creeped out by the resublens of their two room Gregory then takes this time into say " Glam-Micheal decorated it I'm just to lazy to change it." They both nods they're heads so they then sit on the floor near the closet and the window. As they are discussing what game to play they start playing Uno then it gets busy "Uno!" Evan Afton yells with Elizabeth Afton having 15 cards and Gregory having 4 cards they both glare at him and they look at each other nodding signaling 'We will destroy him' and destroy him they do because in the end Gregory won with Elizabeth having 3 cards left and Evan with 68 cards. Evan was shocked and thinking °Hoe the Hell?!°. Then they heard a knocking noise they all jumped they figured out it came from the window. Gregory sighed and then turned to them and apologized before sending them back to their rooms! Of Course they didn't listen and instead listened to the boy inside.


Gregory POV

Of course 𝗛𝗘 had to come today. Time for my life worst choice ever. I pushed Elizabeth and Evan out of my room and said "Time for bed it's 1 am!" Then closed the door that was and idiotic move.

As I open the window 𝗛𝗘 climbs in. Our conversations are never fun so we always suggest going to the park. I grab my backpack and Fazwatch as me and %&@$#&% climbed out of the window. 

We then go to the park and start talking.


It fits this vibe so much . (again not mine but my favorite song! Of hers) song on top


Elizabeth POV

Why'd he push us out like that? That was weird me and my brother nodded as to tell 'Yep were following his ass' 

After a while we hear the window open and him and the other person jump out. Is it a girl or a boy? But either say after we know they fully left we gathered our things since we hid everything in our room down the hall. As we were about to jump out a window we saw anote .

It said 'Hey I know I pushed y'all out but believe me y'all wouldn't want to see him please don't follow me! I'm begging yall.

——— Gregory'

We then tore up the note to where there's no trace of it. 

Evan pointed out" Look on the back it says where he's going!" "Lets follow that bitch." I say to him

We then proceeded to jump out the window only to go to the location and see another note saying 'Knew it y'all found the location but I tricked y'all the real location is the park lets hope im not dead then!



Evans POV

Me eyes are in the verge of crying... Wait no they are crying. Me and Elizabeth are running as fast as we can! To get to Gregory.

We then a corner and see the park as we enter the park we see Gregory tied to a pole with a bloody nose, busted lip, black eye and many cuts and bruises.

Me and Elizabeth hug him and untie him we then start asking questions he only answers one as were walking back saying "Its his fault!" before passing out.

Lizzy then calls Vannesa and Vannesa freaks out and thanks us saying with pure kindness "Thank You very much he has always done this but this is crossing the line." She gets madder as she talks in the end she apologized and we all slept in the Living room I slept on the couch with Gregory snuggled into me.

I think 'I Love Him'


M/P who is this mystery boy also it isn't me! Btw next chapter is a character annysalis and I'm tired I wrote a lot I'm slowly doing a chapter ever night and if I miss one I double up but tomorrow will be a 3 chpt because I will not be at my house but a house I could easily type in without getting distracted oh yeah btw chpt 5 (this one) finished at 2:28 am

Good Morning/Night/Day

Word Count: 1051!

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