"I mean he is kinda cute..." 0:04

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Mysterious Person~ ok ok before you come at me just unstand that most my videos are of Lesbian cute couples I know this is bxb but I have somehow added a lesbian in here so yeaaa 

Btw doesn't belong to.me credits to people!!!!


Evans POV 

After that girl Vannesa called Jeremy and he picked us up I hugged Mike saying "Good Luck Micheal" Before leaving 


The whole until car ride way Lizzy explaining what the hell happened. All he could say was "How the Hell?!" Of course he then added on "Could Micheal do that...." Me and Lizzy just shrugged when then started talking about that missing kid poster. 

"Ok so what do we know about it." Jeremy asked us. "Well-" I started. "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LOSE IT" The whole entire car was shaking from that one blond mans response. "Well Micheal punched him and I lost it. I guess." I whispered the last part. Lizzy finally chipped in "If we went the same way we came maybe we could find another poster" Lizzy you are a fucking guineas." I said 

As we were driving I finally looked out the window for the first time since we started talking and there it was an even better picture! I opened my door and jumped out Jeremy immediately stopped the car as I jumped out. Soon after I got out followed behind me was  Eli thankfully me and her can commute thru via mind.

(M/P •=Elizabeth °=Evan) 

•Did you find one Ev?•

°I dont know would I jump out of a moving vehicle for fun?° 

•Knowing you. Yes you would• 

°You can stop being a bitch now°

•Says the person who fell in love at first sight •

°What do you mean?°

•Stop acting dumb • 

°Im not though-°

•Did the bite cause you to lose you sense of emotions •

°Well I mean kinda°

•Elizabeth entenally sighs• 

°Whyd you speak in third person?°

•For the reader to understand better duh•


•°Ohhhh Right Sorry°• 

|ugh its alright continue|

•I think Jeremy is concerned •

°I would be too if I was him°

•Lets go!•

°Ok whatever°


Out of their head


3rd Person POV

As Evan and Elizabeth leave their mind they find a Jeremy looking very concerned. As he starts lecturing them they all get in the car and forget about the missing child poster umtil Elizabeth points at Evan and asks "Hey B.V. did you grab the poster?" °No I thought you did?° "Evan Jeremy will be scared shitless if we do it again" °I dont care at all.° Evan sends to Elizabeth. At that time they both just about fall out of their seats because Jeremy steps on the breaks. But when Evan and Elizabeth think that it is all clear they then go at high speed and then again stops abruptly. Jeremy then says "Get out NOW" with his voice glitching while saying Now. The two kids quickly get out and as they do they car speeds quickly off. They both look behind them to find a pretty house. Its was a basic two story house with a light blue outside. The two kids then walk up and know on the White door they hear a "JUST A FUCKING MOMENT" as someone quickly opens the door. They were shocked it was Vannesa! She turns her head back and yells "EAT YOUR FOOD NOW" she turns back and stands up straight she asks.them "Whatever are you doing here?" "Well Jeremy kicked us out of the car with a glitching voice" Elizabeth explains to the blond haired woman. "That sounds that a Total Glitchtrap thing" Vannesa Smith says to herself. She then opens the door wider and and lets the kids in. She then walks to the kitchen and talks to someone but Elizabeth and Evan didn't hear because they were taking in the gorgeous interior of the house. The thing that snapped them out of there trance was for a door opening and closing. They snapped there heads to Vannesa as she walked in the room. 


Elizabeth POV

I mean I know that I'm impressed and I can hear Evan gasp in awe of this place. How the hell can she afford this? I mean no offense but FF (Freddy Fazbears) doesn't pay well. I know that I help give out paycheck s. 

Me and my brother are brought out of our trance by a door slamming Evan winced and then Vannesa came in she said "Sorry about that I needed to let the ummm cat out! Yea the cat!" She sounded like she was lying she is awful and lying but me and Evan shrugged and played along. 

"Is it ok if we stay here tonight. I think our father might be behind it." Evan said. I nodded. She was about to say something but then thought about something before speaking, she said " I mean if you have to, I guess you could." "So we can" I say. 

She then says "Sure follow me" we then follow her as she gives us a tour. We then here a door open and close. She says " Wait up here please." Me and Evan looked and each other as we followed her we hide behind a corner as we heard.

"G.G. I was getting worried!" She exclaimed. Me and Evan both thought °•Who the hell is G.G.?•° We both continue easdroppimg. Someone who sounds like the kid before says "Vannesa I won't hesitate to throw you off a cliff" Me and my brother got worried for the adult. "We have guests tonight" she says "ok well don't worry about me. Also to the people easdroppimg you can come out now!" Me and Evan come out form the corner. Vannesa looks at us and says "Knew it you owe me 5 bucks life!" Looks like I was right it was the boy before!

He notices me looking at him and smiles cutely. (M/P btw it is still Elizabeth POV) AHH IM DYING FOR THAT SMILE. He then runs up and hugs Evan. Evan in response huggs back and looks at me and stuck his tongue out. He doesn't even hug me. 

Vannesa then says "Gregory go to bed and take a shower." The boy said "Yea yea I will" he then leaves. After we finish the tour she shows us where well be sleeping and not to wake up Gregory he has insomnia. 

After me and Evan change into PJs. We start talking about playing a game...

"Truth or dare?" Evan asks me I say " Truth" he responded with a "What do you think of Gregory?"I respond calmly with a " He's cute, and tough, I think he'd make a great friend, and ...." "And what?" Evan asks in suspense. "And he'd make for you a good boyfriend!" I say. Evan face starts turning red and he denys it! He then says "I mean he is kinda cute. I guess. I then slap him and say " You guess! " after that we turned off the lights and went to bed.


Mysterious Person ~ Hi!! I have like a lot of words and like 2 hours and why in the World is a non native American language speaker better at spelling than me but besides that have a Good Morning/Day/Night!

Word Count; 1208

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