"Till we meet again, Hottie" 0:06

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Mysterious Person ~ Hiii every body this has around150 views ! Thank you and also for the person who added my story to their Gregvan stories and for the person who voted thank you and here's a chapter

Also there is Self Harming and mention of Suicide in this chapter when you see ☣ that is when it starts and stops

Good Bye my Peeps!😁🌈


Evans POV

After we patched up Gregory and we fell asleep when I awake. I saw Gregory cuddled right up against me. I almost screamed until I heard.

"Stop squirmimg will you?" It was quiet enough for only me to here and of course when I opened my eyes it was Gregory he added on "Everyone else is asleep be careful.

He then afterwards picked me up and carried me to his room. Upon our arrival I then sit on the bed as he throws me some clothes and says" Go take a shower. " "Have you-" "Yes I've already took one go ahead." And them the conversation was done.


3rd Person POV

☣ Warning Self Harm and a Suicide Mention Ahead

As Evan got out of the shower he was very oblivious to the knowledge he would unfortunately learn today. As he was getting dressed he noticed some blood on some toilet paper in the trash can as he looked closer he noticed it was a bloody razor. He wondered who would self harm until he noticed that the blood looked new, Very new, until he remembered what Gregory had said "Yes I've already took one go ahead.". If the blood is new then it must be Gregory s. He started to cry but then wiped his tears. As he countied getting dressed...Everyone downstairs was waking up and wondering what happened. Until they smelled breakfast. Elizabeth jumped up and raced to the kitchen. Only while Vannesa chuckled while messing up Gregory s hair..It was very peaceful and they all were eating breakfast until they heard a little Evan Afton running downstairs. He then grabbed Gregory and had tackled him on the floor forcefully. He then grabbed something out if his pocket with tears running down his face. And Yelling " Why why why in earth would you fucking do that Gregory! " He then proceeded to slap Gregory with each slap getting weaker while Evan just keeps sobbing and sobbing. Elizabeth and Vannesa were just standing there while Vannesa was crying while she kicked little Elizabeth Amber Afton out. Unknowingly Elizabeth started to cry too because just because she's in a 7-8 years old body doesn't mean shit when she sees a bloody razor. She then goes back to sleep while thinking about her mom. Inside the room short after Elizabeth left and fell asleep Vannesa went to her room to go get bandages. Evan kept on yelling at Gregory for hurting himself all while Gregory keeps a small smile on his face while he starts crying.  Vannesa finally came back into the room with bandages to see a sleeping Evan in Gregory s lap. She then apporches them , she sits down in front of Gregory while  starting to talk like" You know I'm surprised you didn't show any pain...." Gregory looks surprised but then his response set the mood lower "I've been doing for a while now" he counties to give head pats to Evan while Vannesa goes on with a "I'm surprised they didn't ask ask about your neck scar." Both of there faces went to a saddened look. After they bangeged Gregory s arms and little bit of his legs he heads to to his room.

☣End of Self Harm and Suicide Mention


Vannesa POV

After that episode of emotions I called Micheal.

"Hey Vannesa whatcha need?" He asks "For you to come pick up your siblings." On the other end he sounds flustered and says "R-R-ight N-now?" I said back to him "I don't care what the fuck you are doing to Jeremy just get your ass to my house now." We then hang up.

After the call in do the dishes since Gregory needs to take it easy

 He needs to stop doing it.... He's done it before...... And it never ends up pretty.

Soon Micheal knocks on my door and I give him the kids . They look shaken up after that. U then explain to Micheal what happened and he says "Ill try my Best 'Officier Vannesa'.

I then check on Gregory to see him hugging a pillow just like he was hugging Evan. Before I close my door I record him and he says " Till we meet again, Hottie." Before kissing the pillow. I leave him alone.

 Still chuckling until a unknown caller, calls apologizimg for what happened to Gregory before I question "How the Hell? are you able to apologize for something that you didn't do?" He then waits a few seconds before saying "Because they're my son." I gasp and throw my phone across the room upon impact it breaks.


Mysterious Person ~ this chapter was dark I know and I'm sorry by the tittlt you can tell🙂 but besides that you got to know a little bit more about Gregory unfortunately the bad parts but yea.

Also don't do it : Dont self harm it and will become and addiction, also if you feel like you want to commit please seek help.

Again sorry for this sad chapter in was going to be a Gregvan kiss but I'm sorry y'all I'm not on a plot at all I'm writing this completely random and I'm trying to make it make sense.

Good Night/Noon/Morning my gay readers🌈

Word Count: 925

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