teacher koji 2

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kae: now we will watch the continuation of Teacher Koji

Ryuen: I am interested in how the monster will deal with defects

arisu:  fufufufu you are right dragon boy

ryuen: fucking crippled

arisu: you are hurting me, dragon boy

ryuen: I will fucking kill you

kae: now you two stop vedio is continuing

after i explained the system the whole class jumped in joy, it was almost surprising that they believe it that easily without suspection. i had especially high hopes from matshushita and horikita but they also didn't questioned a thing, sigh i will really have to put  effort in this class 

matshushita thoughts: i was really stupid for holding back at the starting, i still didn't spend much points but  i could have at least questioned

horikita thoughts: it was really stupid of me

defects: you also didn't asked any question

shinohara: it is because of you that we are class D

yamauchi: yeaah she is right

miyamoto: fr fr

ike: yeah tell him

arisu: fufufufu, how stupid

ryuen: looks like you dissapointed your master suzune

horikita: don't call me by my given name

ryuen: kukukuku

ibuki: shut up asshole

hashimoto: don't insult our king 


ichinose thoughts: i should really invite him to my class once we get out of here

after giving them an explanation i went to the staff room

ayanokoji: sigh* it sure was tiring

horikita: everything is tiring for you isn't it?

ayanokoji: who knows

chie: oh, is that the new teacher?

chie: oh here i am 

sae: sit down chie

class B sigh

ike thoughts: TILF sensei

ayanokoji: yeah, i am 

chie: oh, you look quite young how old are you

ayanokoji: 16

chie: 16? like you are a teacher

ayanokoji: yeah 

chie: then you must be a genius

ayanokoji: who knows

chie: ne what is your name?

ayanokoji: kiyotaka ayanokoji

chie: oh, you are quite handsome aren't you, kiyotaka kun

she said as she closed the distance between them and poked his face

ayanokoji:uhh...um....thanks? and also why did you called me by my first name?

chie: c'mon kiyotaka kun you could also call me chie or what about you call me chie chan? hehe

sae sigh

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