matshushita AU

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kae: now you are going to react to another AU

ryuen: we already know that, you don't have to tell us the same everytime, you dumb fuck

Arisu: and what would be diffrent in this AU?

kae smirks while looking back and forth to ayanokoji and matshushita

kae: well you will find it out

he snapped as the vedio in the screen started

I opened the classroom's door as i went in, it is my first day in this school, no to be precise i never went to school so it is my first time going to school

everyone were shocked but they remembered that he used to study in white room and didn't asked anything.

matshushita thoughts: so it is the first day, if they are showing from the first day then the change might be in our first day, some new classmate or what?

ayanokoji thoughts: i think the change would be small since nothing major happened in the firtst day, it is a whole diffrent story if i found arisu sakayanagi in class D but i think even this god is not that stupid to show us a multiverse like that.

horikita: what is the change?

i scanned the class and went to the seat with my name plate on it. it was the corner seat, near the window, a generally good place to sit.

sotomura: it is the mc seat after all

i turned andsaw a girl with brown hair and blue orbs for eyes, sitting besides me, she seemed bored and had a thoughtful expression on her face.

matshushita: eh? me? what am i doing there? is this the diffrence? but it is nothing big?

ayanokoji: i see

horikita: then where am i placed? in matshushita's seat?

kae: yeah

ryuen: i don't see how this shit will affect us in anyway

defects: yeah, we also don't think

nagumo: now what are we watching a rom com?

Arisu: fufufu how stupid you all are

hashimoto: what do you mean hime.

Arisu: let me enlighten you all, even a small change can make so much diffrence to the future, if that normal famer never went to ferari and ferari never humilliated him then there would be no lamborghni or if that apple never fell from the tree, gravity would have been discovered many years later and what if sir nikola tesla skipped his lecture of alternating current? even small changes can change one's destiny

ryuen: tch

arisu: fufu, i hope you understood better now dragon boy

ryuen: i enjoy walking without a can too, ever tried it?

arisu became annoyed and both began to argue

horikita: she is right

matshushita: i see

ayanokoji thoughts: it is just common sense

kei thought: like if i never crossed path with rika of class C then kiyotaka wouldn't become my boyfreind

at this though she hugged her boyfriend's arm and he just patted her

horikita thoughts: she would n ever be able to make him show his ability and our class would have been so far behind

kiryuin: intresting

kanazaki: horikita made him use his ability, if this girl is there then she also might be holding back

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