diff au

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Hey, so now I will make diffrent au reacts, first I will publish the oneshot of that au to give y'all an idea about that au then reaction, in this oneshot there was a 2nd poll exam in the end of 2nd year and in this poll exam, ayanokoji deliberately let himself get expelled.

The classroom was quiet and no one made a sound, they were all waitting for the results, but deep down they all knew who was going to be expelled.

His name is "Ayanokoji kiyotaka"

Everyone in the class were offered 100k private points if they voted for him, except Horikita, hirata, kei and ayanokoji group.

All of them voted for him without hesitation cos in their eyes, he was just a gloomy loner who doesn't even contribute to the class.

Time was ticking and ayanokoji knew the results,

From class D, kaneda was going to get expelled,

From class B, it would be chhiro,

From A, it would be aki

And from class C it would be ayanokoji kiyotaka himself.

He told arisu and ichinose to not give him praise votes and they agreed too.

He was letting himself get expelled cos he wanted to be completely free, not even bounded by the campus,

But there was one more reason, he gave up fighting, it was not the first time that he faced betrayal, and he was tired from it.

"Horikita" he called out her name where everyone was silent.

The class looked at him and so did Horikita,

"What happened ayanokoji kun?" She asked.

"If someone gave you 100k points to expel one of your classmate, then will you do it?" I asked as all my itehr classmate stiffened and were sweating.

"What kind if question is that? It depends on the classmate" she answered.

"Then let's say, if someone gave you 100k points to expel me, then would you do it?" He asked as the class were looking at him,

"does he know?" Thus was all they could think of.

"I wouldn't do it for a million private points" Horikita answered without hesitation.

"I see," i replied as I began to stare out of the window.

Everyone In the class was surprised by Horikita's response.

"Byt kiyotaka kun, why did you asked that?" Asked yosuke,m as I shrugged.

"You will see" I replied as his expression became one of unease.

Soon sensei entered the class.

"So the person with the most criticism votes is a-" her words stopped in her throat, she couldn't say it aloud, her stern facade broke as a soft and vulnerable expression took over her.

"What is it sensei?" Asked Ike as other also looked concerned.

"It's A-ayanokoji K-kiyoyaka" she spoke out as many students sighed in relief where yosuke was devastated, same with ayanokoji group and Horikita.

"W-what? How?" She spoke off,

Suddenly a loud thump was heard as kei looked over at me.

"K-kiyoyaka, it is not true, right? Is that why you were asking the question? Does our classmates sold you off? And if you knew then why didn't you stopped them?" Asked kei with tears.

Yosuke looked at our classmates, they were not even looking guilty, and some students were even making plan about what will they do with this private points.

"Horkita" I said as I hugged her, "Don’t worry, I believe you will graduate from class A, although I am not sure if you would be able to do it with this class"

I pulled off as she was looking at with me tears, unable to say anything

I walked towards the door as I gave hirata a small squeeze on his shoulders, I stopped at kei's bench as she looked at me with teary eyes,

"You.....you will manage it somehow right? You can't get expelled, not by these bunch of defects" said kei as she hugged me.

"Kei, don't worry, I am fine, this is what I chose for myself said as she refused to let go but eventually released me,

The ex ayanokoji group looked at me with teary eyes,

"If you are going then you can at least give us some of your points" muttered someone in the class as Horikita's eye immediately darted towards the direction, but the owner of the voice was lost.

"Kei and horikita, I have sent my spare points to you" I said as I left the class with chabashira sensei who was still trying her best to control her emotions.

"Why ayanokoji, did I really pushed you that hard...." she said as I shook my head,

"It was my choice sensei, now there is nothing we can do about it"i said as she turned and faced me for the first time.

"Ayanokoji, you don’t have to aim for class A any longer, if you have some plan then please save yourself, I will even help you she said with tears.

"I never knew you really cared about me, I said

"Y-you, ......I am sorry......" she said as she left me in front of the staff room.

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