yuki AU 2

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Kae: let's continue

Everyone nodded

Yuki was currently sitting on my bed and I was making teas for us and in all of the years of my life this is the first time I have felt nervous............no perhaps it is something else...........guilt?

Ike: you already got her in your room ayanokoji

Hashimoto: that's king for you

Ryuen: monster feeling nervous?

Fuka: I wonder why is that, ayanokoji

Ayanokoji: who knows

Yuki: don't need to feel anything, kiyotaka

Ayanokoji nodded

Ichinose: but why is that?

Horikita: you or nervous? Hard to imagine, really

Hirata thoughts: she is really close to kiyotaka kun then

Kushida thoughts: I can find his weakness if I asked Yuki,

Kei: kiyotaka or nervous?

She tried to imagine it but failed miserably

I gave her the tea and took one for myself as I sat on the bed

Yuki: hey,

Is she nervous?

Ayanokoji: I didn’t expected to see you here

Yuki: me neither

Ayanokoji: what are the questions that you wanted to ask?

Many of the students and teachers got interested and started paying attention

Fuka: looks like I will be getting some answer

Ryuen: kukukuku

Arisu: fufufufu

Hiyori: I will get to know my book buddy even more

Ichinose: I hope ayanokoji kun doesn't mind it

Yuki: how did you get out of that place

Horikita: that place?

Ryuen: hm?

Arisu: fufufufu

Ryuen: hey Loli, it looks like you know something, tell me

Arisu: and why should I, it’s nor like I am obliged to do so.

Reyuen: tch

Kei: what does she mean by that

Mamabu: what does she mean by "how did you get out" were you trapped there?

Nagumo: yeah, was it like that?

Nazuna: I am sure it wasn’t, you are just overthinking it

Ayanokoji: you will get your answers in rhe vedio

Everyone just nodded

Ayanokoji: I ran away, from there

Yuki: ran away?

Everyone: ran away?

Nagumo: are you a runaway then, Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji: who knows?

Nagumo: tch

Kanazaki: that damn line

Ichika: don't worry senpai, I am here for you

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