react to images from another au

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kae: so now you will react to images from diffrent universes

ryuen: kukuku let's see if there is something intresting

arisu: fufufufu

kamuro thoughts: creepy

ayanokoji  thoughts: hopefully it's not about me

kae: let's begin

ichika blushing: me and senpai yay

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ichika blushing: me and senpai yay

nanase thoughts: why am i not there

ike: die ikemen

ichika: you are the one who should die pervert senpai

ike hung his head low

kei: ahh mou kiyotaka looks cute but why is he with a kouhai

ichinose: why am i not there

arisu: fufufufu

kiryuin: you look harmless there ayanokoji

ryuen: he or harmless? don't make me laugh

kanazaki: what do you mean by that ryuen?

ryuen: kukuku who knows?

kanazaki: tch

everyone: classroom of what?

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everyone: classroom of what?

kei's freind: karuizawa san you look cute

ayanokoji thoughts: what does she mean?

horikita: classroom of love?

kei: kiyotaka what do you mean by i will play with her for a bit?

ayanokoji: i mean exactly what you said.

kei: eh? kiyotaka you are the worst

ayanokoji: then let's break up

kei: eh? i didn't mean it like that

ayanokoji: i was just kidding

kei: ahh, kiyobaka

kei: ahh, kiyobaka

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