Best friends

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Hongjoong was sure Seonghwa didn't have any partner then who was the person Seonghwa said "love you" to? He obviously didn't heard the whole convo especially Mingi's side, since the phone wasn't on speaker but he definitely heard Seonghwa saying "love you" to the other person.

He didn't like it. For some reason it was bothering him but knowing that it's no use cause Seonghwa probably won't tell him anything about his personal life, he tried to shake those thoughts off his mind.

Suddenly there was a knock on his office door. As he permitted, the other person entered. It was Yunho.

Yunho : Hey Hyung.*said smiling*

Hongjoong : Hmm hi. *Nods lightly*

Yunho : What happened? Something up with you? U look tense for some reason.*said worriedly*

Hongjoong : Nothing, just some paperwork is messing with my mind. *Said smiling lightly*

Yunho : Ohh. U sure? *Said with raised eyebrows*

Hongjoong : Yup, u don't have to worry! *Said smiling*

Yunho : Okay Hyung! Anyways Yeosang is going tomorrow. R u coming to meet? His flight is at night, so we'll meet in the morning.

Hongjoong : *nods* okay I'll be there, I'll have to reschedule a few meetings.

Yunho : *nods* okay! Bye take care.

As Yunho left , he saw Seonghwa entering his office room, since, Seonghwa is now his personal assistant, he can enter without knocking.

Seonghwa : Umm Mr. Kim. *Said nervously*

Hongjoong : Hmm what happened? Why are you looking nervous?

Seonghwa : Actually just now Yeosang called me, he asked me if I could meet him tomorrow before his flight.*said nervously*

Hongjoong : Ofcourse you can, if he himself invited you then who am I to stop? *Said smiling slightly*

Seonghwa tried to find any sort of sarcasm in Hongjoong's voice but it was pure, like Hongjoong wanted him to come.

Seonghwa : Uhh okay boss but actually that's what not i am worried about. He asked me to bring Jongho and Woo , he wants to meet them.*said fiddling his fingers*

Hongjoong : Woo and Jongho? Oh ur kids! Ofcourse bring them as well. I am sure it will be fun . Also San and Yunho will also be there yk they also wanna meet you. *Said looking here and there *

Ofcourse, how could he forget them? They were Hongjoong's best friends in high school, he is suprised they are still friends even after so long. They used to bully him too but not as much as Hongjoong. They just used to prank him with stupid stuff. But Hongjoong was at a different level. He would never leave a chance to humiliate Seonghwa to the point Seonghwa started to fear going to school.

Nodding slightly, he went out of the office. He was nervous for tomorrow, yes he knew that now they can't bully him or make fun of him but still he had that slight discomfort in him.


*Next day*
In Mingi's Restaurant

Seonghwa would be lying if he said he isn't suprised. He had no idea they are meeting in his own best friend's place.
He was standing outside the restaurant with Woo and Jongho. Both kids excited to meet new people.

With a sigh, he started going inside. He saw all the others already there sitting, the only sit available was next to Hongjoong. He nervously went to them.

Yeosang : Hyung! *Waves* hi, omg!!! They are so cute!! *Coos*

San : Hi Hyung. *Said smiling sweetly*

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