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It was early morning and Seonghwa was awake in his room , looking at his babies, who were sleeping soundly. He was thinking about his current life, funny how his life is always taking turns. Nope, he can never regret adopting Woo and Jongho, they are bestest thing happened to him in his whole life. They are his whole world, his whole universe is just around them only. He is trying his very best to give them the life they deserve. He knows how much his kids love him. He knows he is the bestest for them. He love them so much.

Today he wasn't feeling so well for some reason and his head was hurting real bad. It might because of last night. They went to drop off Yeosang on the airport and it was a chilly weather. Suddenly his mind went to San, that poor boy was crying and feeling so bad cause he couldn't confess his feelings towards Yeosang. He was glad the kids weren't with him. He felt feverish.

He was thinking of taking a day off but then he remembered that they have an important meeting today. They can't skip it especially him since he is the assistant of CEO. He is the one who is making sure that all the materials are ready for the meeting.

Sighing heavily, he stood up and went for shower. After getting ready, he saw his gummies waking up. He smiled sweetly and went to give a peck on their foreheads.

Seonghwa : Babies get up, mumma has to leave now. He'll be late for work. *Said lovingly*

Woo : M-mumma *said rubbing his eyes*

Jongho : N-noo seep mole *said whining* (sleep more)

Seonghwa smiled lovingly and took Wooyoung in his arms. He gave more pecks on his gummy baby's face. He then rushed a little to get them ready otherwise he'll be late for office.


After dropping the kids on Mingi's restaurant, he rushed to office still feeling feverish. He ignored that feeling. As soon as he reached office, he immediately started working on next projects and the important meeting they had.

*In the meeting*

As everyone was discussing about the next projects and betterment of the company, Seonghwa suddenly felt a wave of dizziness heating him. Hongjoong looked at his assistant who wasn't looking so well. Ofcourse he saw his assistant isn't looking so well since morning. He wanted to ask him but he couldn't cause of the presentation which is going on. As the CEO, he had to comment on presentation, giving his views, so he had to pay full attention to it.

Seonghwa , on the other hand was feeling more and more dizzy every passing minute. He felt the world spinning. He found it hard to focus on the presentation. He wanted to go from there, he wanted to lie down and sleep.

Suddenly Hongjoong raised his hand, indicating that the presentation should be stopped. He cleared his throat.

Hongjoong : Sorry for the inconvenience today but if we'll have to stop the meeting here only. I remember I have some work which needs to be done as soon as possible. We will continue it tomorrow. Thank you so much for joining the meeting today. *Said smiling lightly*

Everyone started bowing and leaving. Seonghwa was about to get up but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder making him sit back on the chair. He looked up to see a worried Hongjoong.

Hongjoong : Well it looks like you are not well today. Why didn't you take a leave? *Asked softly*

Seonghwa : Ummm we had this meeting today and i couldn't miss it knowing it's important for the company. *Said slowly*

Hongjoong : Sure it's important but not more than your health. *Said smiling*

Seonghwa was shocked. Hongjoong caring for him? Since when? He don't remember when was the last time Hongjoong was this sweet. Maybe when they met for the first time in high school and Seonghwa thought that Hongjoong could be an amazing friend.

Hongjoong : Where are the kids? Are they with their uncle or play school? *Asked wondering*

Seonghwa : They are with their uncle. Why? *Asked confused*

Hongjoong smiled and motioned him to get up by taking his hand. He supported Seonghwa who looked like he will fall any minute. Seonghwa was utterly confused.

Seonghwa : H-Hongjoong where are we going? *Said nervously*

Seonghwa was not nervous because of Hongjoong taking him somewhere but he was more nervous cause of the hand on his waist. Hongjoong smiled and answered.

Hongjoong : We are going home. And also taking the kids with us. They must be missing their "mumma". *Said smiling sweetly*

Seonghwa blushed lightly. Hongjoong remembered how the kids called him "mumma" when they all met before Yeosang went to Japan. Hongjoong knew that although Seonghwa is a male he liked it when the kids called him "mumma".

Seonghwa : Umm since we are going to my house then I'll just call Mingi and tell him to drop the kids off. *About to take his phone out*

Hongjoong : Your house? No we are going to my apartment. And don't call him, I'll drive to his restaurant and pick the kids up. *Said taking him to his car*

Seonghwa : W-what? Noo I mean you don't have to. We can go to my house and Mingi can drop them off. *Said nervously smiling*

Seonghwa remembered the last incident which happened when he went to Hongjoong's house. He was already nervous and his heart was beating so fast cause of the hand on his waist but now going to his house? No way in hell Seonghwa will do that.

Time skip
*At Hongjoong's house*

Well yes, how you may ask? So basically Seonghwa, thousand times denied the idea of Hongjoong's apartment but since it was Hongjoong who was driving, he didn't listen and told him to relax, telling him it's all fine. After several protests Seonghwa had no choice but to agree with Hongjoong. They even picked up the kids who were happy to see their "mumma" early and a shocked Mingi who couldn't say anything seeing Hongjoong with his friend. Seonghwa knew he had to explain everything to Mingi but that was a thing to do later.


Hey guys, hope you like it! 💖✨ Next update might be soon. Till then take care of yourself!

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