Chapter 3

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Marinette's POV

I sat through chemistry class listening to Miss Mendeleiv ramble about lab safety once again. Well, I wasn't really listening. I was too busy dreading the inevitable scolding I was going to receive once I got home. And thinking about Adrien.

I felt bad leaving him like that. He meant well and I'm punishing him because of my own sadness over being friend-zoned again. It's not his fault he doesn't feel the same way. He didn't deserve the cold shoulder I gave him at all. Maybe I'm reading too deeply and he didn't even notice.

My eyes wandered over to his lab table. He didn't look as if he was paying attention either. To be honest, he looked kinda sad. Did I really hurt his feelings?

As if he could sense my eyes on him, his head turned and he looked over at me. Once we made eye contact, he held it, as if he were trying to read my soul.

After a few moments, I tried to muster a smile, as if to offer reassurance that I still care about him. Apparently that's what he needed, because he returned a smile and then turned back to the front of the class. So, he wasn't upset with me at least. Thank goodness.




Now that class was over, it was time for me to face my parents. My parents were the most caring and supportive parents in the world, but they've also never had to talk to me about my grades. I had no idea how they were going to react.

Earlier this year, when I got too many absences at school due to my duties as Ladybug, they grounded me. I'm guessing this is going to be a very similar situation.

Being grounded wasn't the end of the world, but I hated this feeling of disappointing my parents. They meant the world to me, and all that I wanted to do was make them proud.

"Hi, Maman, hi Papa," I greeted my parents and kissed both of them on their cheeks per usual.

"How was school, honey?" Sabine asked, following her normal routine.

"Well, actually," I responded sheepishly. "There's something I need to talk to you guys about."

"Of course honey," Sabine responded.

"You can talk to us about anything," Tom chipped in.

"Miss Bustier sent me home with this test, you guys need to sign," I replied, embarrassed.

When I pulled the exam out of my bag and handed it over to my mom, both of my parents looked at the front page and gasped at the failing grade written in red ink.

"Marinette? What happened? You've never gotten a grade like this on anything before," Sabine responded.

"Have you been skipping classes again, young lady?" Tom asked sternly.

"I've been falling asleep in my classes a lot," I replied honestly.

"Marinette, I'm really disappointed. I don't know what's been going on with you this year




My phone buzzed with a text from Alya.
"Hey girl! Nino and I are going to the movies tonight and wanted to invite you and ADRIEN!"

I felt defeated as soon as I read that.
"Can't go. Grounded :( Have lots of fun tonight"

"Oh no girl!! I'm sorry. We can do something another time."

I sighed. I felt so useless tonight, I couldn't hang out with my friends and I also missed my evening patrol with Chat. I feel terrible because I had no way of telling him.

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