Goodbye, Mia

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In the tangled web of our shared anguish, we found solace,

Two wounded souls, survivors of the stormy seas of trauma.

We held each other's pain, our fragile hearts intertwined,

A lifeline in the darkness, a beacon of understanding.

Through the darkest nights, we whispered our fears,

And in the hushed confessions, we forged an unbreakable bond.

We navigated the labyrinth of despair hand in hand,

Drawing strength from our connection, from the warmth of friendship.

But as the tides of healing began to shift our course,

A subtle change in the currents altered our trajectory.

My role as confidant, as a balm to your suffering,

Seemed to wane, leaving you adrift in the sea of transformation.

In the depths of vulnerability, you made a painful decision,

To sever the lifeline that had bound us for so long.

You believed that in order to heal, to reclaim your happiness,

You needed to release the weight of our shared trauma.

With a heavy heart, you walked away from our friendship,

Leaving me to grapple with the emptiness that followed.

I understood the reasons, the need for a new beginning,

Yet the pain of loss was profound, a gaping wound in my heart.

We were the architects of our own transformation,

But in the process, we became casualties of our own rebirth.

The ties that once bound us now lay severed,

And I was left to navigate the uncharted waters of a world without you.

In the absence of our shared suffering, I found myself alone,

Yearning for the familiar comfort of our friendship.

But I also understood that you needed to break free,

To find a life beyond the shadows of our past.

Though the pain of your departure lingers, I honor your choice,

For it was an act of self-preservation, a quest for happiness.

And in this bittersweet farewell, I wish you well on your journey,

Hoping that you find the peace and contentment you so rightly deserve.

Our friendship, born in the crucible of trauma, may be no more,

But the memories of our shared strength and resilience endure.

I carry the lessons learned from our time together,

And in the legacy of our connection, I find solace and gratitude.


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