Part 51

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Third Person POV

Christmas was always one of the best times of year at Hogwarts. Not to mention the New Year's party that none of the teachers are supposed to know about yet they do and still do nothing about it.

It was finally the 25th of December 1989, Hogwarts was buzzing with people who decided to stay.

Sadly only Jake, Allison, Mattheo and Molly stayed at Hogwarts from their group. As much as Allison wanted to go see everyone at Rosier Manor she knew that there was loads of attacks going on so everyone would be to busy.

So she decided to stay at hogwarts with them, Mattheo and molly didn't exactly want to go back to Malfoy manor as Iris was going to be there.

That morning Allison woke up at 5am and immediately woke up Molly so they can open they're presents.

Allison went over to Molly and used the lifting charm to pick her up and drop her on the floor.

As soon as Molly hit the ground she made a groan "what the fuck Allison. I was having a good sleep"

Allison laughed a little before walking over to the girl and helped her up "it's Christmas though and you weren't awake"

Molly let out a sigh "fine I forgive you but I'm not saying it to you" "saying what to me" Allison said with a smirk.

"I'm not saying the words the start with M and C" Allison still has a smirk "Molluscum Contagiosum?"

Molly looks at her in disbelief "what the fuck is that?" "It's a skin infection that causes spots in the skin" Molly looks at her again in confusion "why in Salazars sake would I ever say that?"

"I don't know but you never know with you" Allison says, Molly shakes her head "I'm going to the bathroom and showering you can wake up the boys" she says before heading into the bathroom.

Allison ran to the boys' dorm and jumped onto Jake to wake him up.

He gave her a grin and looked at Mattheo she knew what he wanted to do. Jake wanted them both to jump on him to wake him up.

They both slowly walked over to mattheo's bed and counted down holding there's hands up.


Jake was still yawning from getting up so early but Allison couldn't care at all.


The suspense was killing them both


Mattheo stores in his sleep but didn't wake up thankfully.


they both let out 1 last breath


They bend they're knees and get ready to pounce.


They jump.

Allison's POV

We both jump onto mattheo and hear a groan, he shoves me and Jake off of him before properly waking up.

"Marry Christmas" we said in synch, a small smile appears on Mattheo's face.

He goes to speak but gets cut off with molly running into the room and jumping on the bed with us. "Marry Christmas Matty and Jake"

I look at her in disbelief "where's my merry Christmas?" She looks at me "you got yours when you rudely woke me up"

"I did not rudely wake you up?" I protest

"Yes you did with your Molluscum Contagiosum" she says all proud

"That isn't rudely you said MC so I said a word that started with it"

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