We won..but at what cost

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Nagisa has defeated Akira takaoka

But he's severely injured and currently missing an arm using his sword to help him walk

He walks to the front gates too see eri strapped to Izuku's back and emitting light

But Aizawa is quickly used to stop her from going out of control

Nagisa: (heh I clearly missed something)

Nagisa: hey Izuku how's it going


Nagisa: I fought that takaoka guy and I won
He points in the direction he came from
He's over there but he won't be moving for a while

Izuku: so you did what you said you'd do just as I expected

Nagisa: hell yeah I said I'd change this world and defeating that guy was the first step seems you gave overhaul a real pounding
Izuku: with the help of eri, WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TOO YOUR ARM
Nagisa: he took it during the battle, it should be healing but I guess I must be tired...

Nagisa passes out finally out of energy

He gets caught by Izuku

With the villains

Naga just watches as Shigaraki takes overhauls arms

Naga: ugh this is so boring I heard my other half is getting stronger judging by what he did to this guy here

He said looking down at an unconscious takaoka

Naga; hey wake up

Akira: ugh who the hell are you, WAIT YOU'RE HIM IT WAS A FLUKE THAT YOU BEAT ME

Naga: don't compare me too that goody too shoes I prefer to have fun but judging by your body you'll be dying in about two weeks from an incurable poison not bad viper not bad
But I think I'll speed up the process

He stabs a claw right into Akira's eye

Poison seeps into him

His arms and legs get stiff he stops struggling and then

His heart stops beating

Naga: rest in peace

Over at the hospital

Nagisa wakes up

Nagisa: ahh what happened

Doctor: it's ok your safe those injures are pretty severe though looks like you got attacked by a bear or something
Nagisa: close enough really, hey can I ask a question usually I'm able to regenerate lost limbs I did it once I think but now it's not healing at all
Doctor: hmm ok your quirk is definitely unique but it seems that you've overused your quirk and it just isn't working right now

Nagisa: thanks doc am I free to go (Well I guess I've never gone that fate before)

Doctor: yes I suppose so don't forget take it easy

Nagisa: I will (as much as I'll hate it)

Doctor: (those heroes they'll never listen to me)

Nagisa's look currently

He has scars and bruises all around his body from all those punches and claw attacks
He's obviously missing an arm which was mentioned
And has a few broken ribs which is surprising considering how hard those punches where

Nagisa is walking along when he hears Izuku and Aizawa talking

Nagisa: Izuku, mr Aizawa how is it

Aizawa: ah Nagisa it seems you where reckless again how are you feeling
Nagisa: pretty lousy few broken ribs, lots of scaring and of course lost an arm
Aizawa: uhh shouldn't it be healing
Nagisa: it will it's just gonna take longer than usual I've never gone as far as I did so I guess it's just adapting
Aizawa: hmm that's good to hear I suppose glad your ok problem child
Nagisa: right back at ya teach

Izuku; Aizawa was just telling me about eri's situation
Nagisa: oh
Izuku; yeah

Izuku explains everything about eri right now

Nagisa: well then so where are we going

Aizawa: to meet the others that have joined us

Izuku: all might

Nagisa: you're here as well recovery girl

Izuku: but why

Bubble girl: I ask all might to come because sir always admired him so much

Dr: there's nothing more we can do to be honest it's a miracle he's lasted this long
Recovery girl: my healing won't work either he's too far gone for me to fix

Nagisa simply hangs his head

Dr: I'm sorry but you should prepare yourselves I don't think he'll live to see tomorrow

Nagisa and Izuku both look horrified

In nighteye's hospital room

All might: I am so sorry
Nighteye: is that you all might you feel like talking now I am on my death bed
All might: I don't know what to say I was wrong I pushed you away and now
Nighteye: i've never heard you sound so penitent but I didn't resent you for what happened between us I mean that all I wanted was for you to be happy and if you have decided to fight fate then I
All might: you should be fighting it too please give me a chance to make up for what I've done
Nighteye: there's nothing to make up for I wanted to change the future to keep you from being killed, I looked for ways to alter what I'd seen but there was nothing I could do and f fine today Izuku succeeded where I failed I believe it might have to do with the energy contained in thoughts the power of a vision so strong it leaves no room for doubt and strives towards the desired future it wasn't just Izuku, everyone there truly believed that what they where fighting for could come to pass maybe what we saw was the result of that energy converging on Izuku and being released

Nagisa: (heh my brother really is amazing)

Nighteye: you've changed my thinking you've shown me the future isn't set in stone and that's enough for me I only have one regret left

Nagisa: If that's the case then don't die just yet

Mirio: SIR
Izuku; Togata
Nagisa: Mirio

Mirio: don't give up please keep fighting don't die on me

Nighteye: Mirio I failed you this is my fault if only I'd been there

Mirio: don't say that you where always there teaching me and showing me how to be strong everything I am now is because of you don't you see I'm not ready please don't leave me

You'll be ok your going to become the finest hero the world has ever seen that's one part of the future that shouldn't be changed

Nagjsa is leaning against the wall his hair covering his eyes trying not to cry but failing

The tears start to fall from his face and down his cheek

Work hard and be sure to smile after all without joy and laughter too balance the sorrow this world cannot hope to have a bright future

And with that nighteye's passes on
With a smile on his face

And that's a rap

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