-our miracle-

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~ 3 years ago ~
March 23

I'm currently sitting in my living room crying my eyes out with my boyfriend sitting next to me and our parents standing disappointed with us,

my boyfriends doing all the talking since I'm crying so much

"but mu-"

"no buts Pablo, ur going to be a dad, do u know how hard that is?"

"Mum we didn't mean to get pregnant"

"Son, I know u didn't mean to, but it just happens, we are really disappointed by both of you, but it's done now"
-his dad joined

"I want u to get rid of the baby the minute it's here"
-my mum

"But mum"

I finally spoke up

"No buts ur not have a child ur 16"

"but mum"

"I said no buts,I'm not having a baby in my house"

"Ari and I can get our own house and raise our little one"
My boyfriend adds in

I knew my parents  wasn't gonna be happy, I knew they would kick me out. my mum stormed out the room and even out pablo's parents house...

"Look I know ur mother is mad but she will hopefully get used to it"
My dad was taking a seat

"so ur not mad?"

"I am, Ariana ur gonna be a mum at 16"

"Ugh but dad"

"Look I'm really pissed but I'm not leaving you guys ur my daughter and ur gonna have to get married u two"

"I know sir"

"look Pablo, I'm really disappointed but you both know how obsessed I am with kids, so ari is u ever need anyone u know who to call"

"thank u"

"same here but for u pablo"

"Thanks dad"

"ill talk to ur mother"


After that he left

And then aurora came down stairs

"I heard yelling and crying. What happened"

"Pablo and Ariana are gonna have a baby"


~ tune 28 ~

We then bought a house together 5 minutes away from his parents and 15 minutes away from my dad

Yeh my mum left us all...

this is our new house

this is our new house

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our miracle -Pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now