Chapter 1

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Ari PoV:

Currently my boyfriend was on tv playing football I was in the kitchen so I didn't really see much of it

"mama, dada scored"

"Aww that's really good Amore"


"mi amore, u need bed now"

"noooooo mama"

"Sí Elena, come on"

"Noo mama I wanna watch dada"

"oh mi amore, fine 20 more minutes then bed"

"Okay mama"

Let's say Elena is a very good girl she just loves her dads with everything she has
It's the cutest

"Mamá, quiero ir a un partido de papá."

(Mama I wanna go to dadas match)

"oh mi amore, dada wants u there but u get scared around people, and u always feel sick"

"I wanna go now"

"One day amore"


"yes,ofc amore"

I toke Elena to her room and put her to bed

"buenas noches ángel"
(Good night angel)

"I love u mama"

"I love u too baby"

"Will u tell dada I say night and I love him"

"ofc angel"

I went downstairs to the kitchen and made Pablo a snack for when he got back

"Hola mi amore"
My boyfriend says opening the door and shutting it

"hola, Elena said good night and that she loves you"

"She's go cute,I'm gonna shower then I'll be back"

"Okay baby"

~ 10 minutes later ~

"I'm back"

"great, I made u some fruit and waffles"

"Thank you"

I gave him his food and we sat down on the couch and watched his favourite show the fcb new ears things 😃

"hey ari"

"U okay?"

"I'm so proud of you"

"what do you mean Pablito ?"

"you know,ur only 18 and ur already living a 29 year olds life, your like the best mama ever, and u do everything for us, can I please do something for you?"

"Awh Pablo, ur to cute, ofc"


My daughter says walking down stairs

"Baby what did dada say?"


I jumped up and picked her up and toke her to Pablo

"hey dada"

"hi amore, why u still up?"

"I missed you"

"awww ur so cute, I missed u too"

These two are to cute I had to snap a pic of them 🫶

These two are to cute I had to snap a pic of them 🫶

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Pretend this is Pablo and Elena 🎧🦒💋🫶

"Elena bed time"

"But dada,I not tired"

"Amor, todas tienen que irse a la cama ahora es tarde"
(love,everyone has to go to bed now its late)


"Let's all go cuddle up"

So we did everyone went to our room and cuddled up together🤍

~ Next morning ~

~ Pablo pov ~

I woke up this morning with my girlfriend and my daughter cuddling in our bedroom,
She's such a good mum, she makes me want to cry she's that sweet, I just love her,

"morning amore"

"good morning beautiful"

"Elena is still sleeping"

"yeh she's the cutest"

"what's ur plans today baby?"

"I've got training, then a meeting then Aurora is coming down"


"Sí, I got to go"

"Okay amore"

I ran and got changed gave my girls and kiss and left


Follow xxebxx704197 that's my bffs user she's making a book about pedri ?😭

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