Chapter 2

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~ Ari Pov ~

My boyfriend just left for training which means I get the morning to myself, I obviously have Elena but only till 12:30pm then she's going to pablos parents for a while

I got up did my skincare and then Elena woke up,

"morning mama"

"morning baby, ur going to nana and papa today"


"great, let's bath you and get u ready"

"Yeah mama,I'm excited"

"You'll come back with auntie aurora and uncle javi, and then dada will be home"

"okay mama"

Her hair 🎧💋

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Her hair 🎧💋

"Let's go have some breakfast"I saw standing up picking her up and walking down stairs

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"Let's go have some breakfast"
I saw standing up picking her up and walking down stairs

"mama! I wanna watch dada"

"okay,what kind"


"okay 2 seconds"

I turned tv on made breakfast and she had it then I got ready myself

~ 12:30 ~

Pablo parents just pulled up

"Hi ari how's things?"

"Great, Elena is in the living room"

"okay great"

I followed them to the living room

"hello beautiful"

All Elena did was smile and then ran and pablos mum bent down and she hugged her

"Hi nana"

"how are u?"

"Good dada gave me some new toys"

"oh really what are they?"


"Okay gorgeous"

His mum Belen (ik her name is Aurora but Aurora is his sister to do yk? It's her middle name is belen) anyway😭

I went to get Elena's stuff

~ 30 minutes later ~

Elena just left, so I'm on my own now, I got really bored so I looked at insta but nothing cool came up,so I looked at puppies, Pablo is dying for a puppy, so I might get him one for Christmas which is in 5 weeks

I saw 2 that caught my eyes

I saw 2 that caught my eyes

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The first one caught my eye the most

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The first one caught my eye the most


I texted the owner:

owner ~

Hey I'm interested in this puppy!

Oh that's great, what's ur info?

Oh great
Its **********
And my house is ******* in ***** street number **

Fab u can come get her in 4 weeks!



~ Skip 4 weeks ~

Today I'm going Christmas shopping!
Pablo has the day off so he's with Elena

So I'm getting the puppy really soon!


Elena knew about her bc I had to tell her☺️ she's not telling Pablo she's the best❤️

~ Christmas eve ~

"Baby? What would ur dream Christmas present be?"
I ask my boyfriend who is making cookies

"a baby, and to get married, visit the world, get a puppy and see my family"

"aw Pablo, first of all, I'm not having a baby yet I can't even stand Elena sometimes, I'd love to get married but I'm really scared  about that,visiting the world could be amazing but we have Elena and stuff, a puppy maybe one day and ofc u can see ur family"

"Thanks ari"

"Of course Pablito"

~6am Christmas morning~

I jamp out for bed and ran to the car

Pablo pov:

"Dada,mama,Santa came"

"Baby, mama's not here?"

"oh let's cuddle till she home?"

"Ofc cutie"

About an hour later the door opened

I heard my gf shout


We both ran down stairs and we saw ari with a puppy?

"baby, why u got a puppy?"

"It's for u amore"


"haha dada crying"

End chapter!

I wanna give creds to ROSAL1AA and trickstarfutbolista

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