Chapter 11

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He's just back from his x-Ray and he's asleep.

my poor boy he's so young...

Baby😻💋🤍is calling

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"Hey princess,Elena wanted to phone you"

"Hey princess"

"Mama. I love u where is Matt?"

"He's sleeping mi amor. Go cuddle dada"


after my call with Elena I sat down in my bed and watched friends on the tv, i had my phone next to me with it going crazy.

I wanted to open it but I was just to upset with Matteo and things,

"Hey Ariana,just before u fall asleep, we got a result back from his x-Ray and basically he has a sign of cancer, and also he has something wrong with his lungs"

oh my god. no. My baby.

"Cancer and bad lungs?"


"but no he can't"

"he sadly does"

"is he gonna be okay?"

"yes he will be fine i promise"

She then left. My son have cancer. No he can't have cancer.

it was 9:45 and I was wide awake she I answered my phone

Hey I heard Matteo is in hospital? I'm so so sorry. What's the visiting time? x


Could I come rn?


Family gc:

I heard the news I'm so sorry x

sorry kids,he will be okay though don't panic.

I'm at the hospital rn to see him....

Ari is with him x

Yeah he's got a sign of cancer and bad lungs

omg I'm so so sorry my love x


It's been a week since we came to the hospital.

And Matteo doesn't have bad lungs or cancer.

I'm so so proud.

~1 year later~

it's now been a year Elena is 4 Matteo is 1 Pablo is 22 and I'm 21


Hey guys.
So I'm gonna finish this story here....

I loved making this but I've decided to make a new story about Pablo! 🤍

If u have any ideas for the story I'd love to know ❤️

follow my Pablo TikTok 'xpabloxgavi' 🤍🤍

Pls follow gavi_fp and have a great day

our miracle -Pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now