Chapter 8

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So I'm 3 days away from my duo date and I've been getting a lot of pain so I'm in the hospital I have been for a couple days now

My fiancé and daughter come in every day! "Hey honey what's up?" My fiancé asks giving me a kiss "he's coming"
"Wait what?" "Yep" "omg Elena I'll call pedri"

"Hey pedri ari is giving birth come  get Elena"

"Okay I'm outside"

He takes Elena and gavi grabs my hand, "baby's if it hurts just squeeze my hand okay?" He says giving me a sad smile "yes" the doctors came through and told me to start pushing so I did, after a long 2 hours that felt like 28437492639 years I pushed really hard and then I heard our baby boy cry

"baby he's here" he says with a big smile "omg" "here u go Ariana" they hand me my baby and I cuddle him

"Do u have a name for him ?" They also getting paper and a pen,

"Em yes 'Matteo Martin gavira'" I say looking at gavi "wait I never knew about Martin?" "It's a surprise"

they cleaned Matteo up and gave me him again

"Get Elena now" I say giving Pablo a smile

He runs out and runs back in with Elena In his arms he was crying while Elena was smiling so much

"omg hiiiii" she whisper yells "do u like him amore?" I ask her "I love himmm" she say I smiled with tears in my eyes "baby come sit with me and give him a hug" I also say, Pablo puts her up and I give her him and get a pic

"omg hiiiii" she whisper yells "do u like him amore?" I ask her "I love himmm" she say I  smiled with tears in my eyes "baby come sit with me and give him a hug" I also say, Pablo puts her up and I give her him and get a pic

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Pablogavi:Caption:my beautiful fiancé gave birth to Matteo and Elena is In Love

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Caption:my beautiful fiancé gave birth to Matteo and Elena is In Love

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I sent everyone I pic of him and then I send it to the Barca team gfs


Meet Matteo Martin gavira

Amelia💋:awww omg fermín and I are so happy congratulations xxx

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awww omg fermín and I are so happy congratulations xxx

He's so cutee😻😻

Beautiful boyy 🥰🥰
How is heee?

He's great we are actually getting home rn

(My sister actually gave birth at 5:40 am at got to go home at 7:30 am the same day 😭)

Back at home

We all got back home and Marie came running up to me and Elena I was hold elena while Gavi carried  Matteo who was In his car seat I sat in the back since we have a 7 seater so I sat in the middle, can I just say how crazy it is that I've got 2 kids under 3 and a puppy and a really hot fiancé? And I'm only 19!!! Best life in my opinion 😻.

I sat down on the sofa with Elena and Matteo, I held Matteo and Elena sat next to me talking to to him quietly, my fiancé came through with his parents and his sister stand next to him with joy and happiness,

"oh hey I never knew you guys were coming I say then giving them a slight smile, "can I get a hold first please" aurora says running and sitting next to me. "yeah aurora, u can give him cuddles first" I say handing her Matteo "Awh my god, he's gavi's double" she says as I stand up grabbing my phone,

"yeah I know right" i says getting a pic of him on her, "but Elena looks like u" Belen says sitting next to aurora to see Matteo, "Yeah that's very true" Pablo says putting his hands around my waist and kissing my neck,

They all got a hold of Matteo but then he started getting hungry so I gave him my boob and sat down, while he was eating Belen and aurora were talking to me, and Pablo and his father went outside for a minute or to, and Elena was just playing with her hey duggee dogs and watching barbie

"so ari how is the Breast-feeding?" Belen asks me, I turn and look at her "it's really good, I already know bc of Elena and things" I say giving her s soft smile

A few minutes later my fiancé comes through with red eyes like he's been crying, he walks up stairs that's when I begin to worry

"hey whats wrong with Pablo dad?" Aurora asks while he walks in, "we just had a man talk, nothing else" he says in a deep voice "oh poor Pablito, he's never had man talk in his 19 years of living,

"is he okay?" I ask picking Matteo up and giving him to aurora to burp him,  "he's just a little mad at something" he reply's getting his phone out, I stand up and walk upstairs and turn to our room, and knock on the door,

~Pablo pov~

I just had the worst talk ever, the man talk,I'm in mine and my fiancés room, I heard a knock "DAD GO AWAY" I yell "it's my baby" I hear my fiancé say "oh sorry  come in" I say sitting up on the bed

So she does "are u okay? Ur dad said u had a man talk" she asks sitting next to me, "yeah I'm fine" I reply LIE. I'm not fine I'm crying baby...

"Baby ur lying tell the truth please" she says looking upset ? Did I upset her?

"it's just man's talks they are tuff and I'm just thinking" "about?" "how bad of a dad and fiancé and everything"
I reply she then looks at me like she saw a ghost,

"baby? ur the best father ever, Elena and Matteo are so happy that ur they're daddy, and ur the best fiancé I could ever ever ever imagine, and ur not a bad person, everyone had bad days and that's fine because ur living a life, just tell me when ur upset or mad about anything okay? Our house of gaviras needs to be happy,
joyfully grateful and fun, not mad,upset,bored and ungrateful, so don't very  say that Pablo that's really rude about ur self."

I don't deserve her. I really don't,

"okay mi amore"
"Good boy"
"let's go down stairs"
"Okay sir"
"Sí madam"


Matteo Martin gavira,welcome to the family 🤍

Also mr and Mrs gavira (soon to be) have 2 baby's ????😻😻


our miracle -Pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now