Chapter 9

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"Mama,I want a cuddle" my daughter says putting the covers over us both,

Matteo was in his crib and Pablo was at early morning training. We cuddled up close for about 10 minutes and then Elena fell asleep and Matteo woke up.

"Good morning my love" I say picking him up and giving him a kiss on the head. "Dada isn't home at the moment my love"
I also say walking down stairs, I have the camera thingy on Elena so I know what she up too.

I gave Matteo my boob and then I put him down on his little chair and then turning on the tv and put on 'friends'

Just wanna say rip Matthew🕊️ily...

I sat down and then heard 'mama?'

She walked Down stairs and then I ran and picked her up bc I don't want my baby getting hurt.

"mama,I had a bad dream" she cried in my chest, "oh mi amore,what was it?" I ask giving her a kiss and hugging her back.

"that u and dada had a big fight,and then he slapped u and then u hit me" she cry's into my chest, "oh my,my lovely im so so so so so sorry,that isn't true okay"

"Yeah I know mama bc you love me"

"I don't love you, I LOVE u too the moon and back 2992737tines"

"I love u too mama"

I put her down then I run to the kitchen and grab a cup of orange juice for Elena,

"Mama,where dada?" My daughter asks sitting down giving Matteo a kiss on the check.

"he's at training mi amore" I reply giving her the juice, and sitting down next her on the tv while she watches the scene on the tv.

"Mama. I wanna see dada" she says smirking.

"yess amore u will" I reply giving her a kiss.

"Is dada gonna win this year?" She asks giving me a look with joy.

"sadly not baby,he came 5th but remember dada won last year and he's still the best player we know" I reply giving her a smile and a small kiss on the head.

"yeah mama,dada is soooo good" she says quietly as Matteo is fast asleep.

"mama,watch this" my daughter says standing up and begins doing a little dance.

she span,jumped moved her legs,arms and shakes her hips.

"hello my beautiful family" my boyfriend says then slowly turns to Elena who is still doing her beautiful funny moves.

After 2 minutes she finished and sat down next to giggling.

"aww mi amore,that was so good" I say giving her a massive hug.

"ml,u did so good.dada need u to teach him"my fiancé says sitting next to me giving me a kiss on the check.

"best moves especially the fact it's on 11:20 am" I reply cuddling into my boy.

This boy still make me want to cry he's just so cute/caring/loving and supportive.

"Baby.dada isn't gonna be here tonight" my fiancé says out of nowhere.

"where are you going?" I ask getting of him.

"To fermins"

"oh right okay"

"Elena love,he invited you?"

"emmmm,I wanna hang out with mama"

"Matteo can come?"

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