What the hell is happening now??

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I woke up because someone was stroking my back. The Sun was shining, but I didn't want to open my eyes. As I was laying in the bed, I started to remember what happened to me. At that moment I couldn't decide, I was just hoping that it was just a bad dream and Damien is sitting next to me. But as I got conscious I started to listen to the sounds. They were different. I started to fear and opened my eyes. I wish I hadn't done it. I was at a foreign place and the man who was stroking my back wasn't familiar. Because of the shock, I almost fell off the bed, but I could keep myself calm, and I just moved to the other side of the bed. The man was so calm that it freaked me out. He got up, and said this:

'I'm Adam. Stay here.'

I couldn't say a word, so I just nodded a bit. He left me alone in the room, and as soon as he closed the door behind him, I ran to the window firstly, then to the door. I tried to open up them, but they were locked. I reminded myself to stay calm and not to panic, because in the minute I lose my mind, I lose this game. 

Okay, so Damien knows that I was kidnapped, and he knows that who kidnapped me. I'm sure they started the search and hopefully they already know where am I now. Keep calm, I can't lose my calmness, because I may fuck up their plan. Now let's see what can I do now. First of all, I need to get as much information about this place as possible. Secondly, I need to contact with Damien.

Adam got back, so I had to stop planning my escaping. I was afraid of him, so I crawled to the other side of the bed. I wanted to go back to Damien's place.

'Let me go away!'

'I can't. You are going to stay here and you can only leave this place if I say so' he said in a cold tone.

My heart was racing, when I suddenly realised that he didn't lock the door when he came in, so I jumped off the bed and started to running toward the door, but he caught me by my hips before I could escape.

'Let me! Don't touch me!' I shouted at him. I tried to escape from his arms, but the more I was moving, the more he squeezed me. And when I got tired, I stopped.

'Finally, you realised that I'm the one who is in charge. Now you'll come with me, pack some clothes and you will wait in silence in my room' he ordered. 

'Take five hoodies, seven t-shirts, five trousers, some underwear and pyjamas.'

'What if I don't?' I said arrogantly. 

'Well then you will come to New York without any clothes' he said calmly.

'I am not going with you anywhere' I stated.

'Sweetheart you have no rights here. You either come on your feet, or we will put you to the plane without you noticing.'

'You are wrong.'

'I don't give a fuck about your opinion, we'll set off in 45 minutes to New York City.'

He left the room and I started to pack my things into the suitcase, because I know that he wasn't joking about anything. I finished the packing in almost 10 minutes and I sized up the room where I was locked. It was a casual guest room and I was worrying a bit because of this. If they make me leave the country, Damien won't find me ever. I was hoping that Damien and his mates are near to find me and they won't let me fly to the East Coast with Adam. Adam got back and brought my bag out and told me to get dressed. I found a basic white t-shirt, a light blue sweater and dark blue jeans. I put on Nike shoes and after finishing my outfit I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to make a bun.

I went back to the room where Adam was waiting for me.

'Come on, we need to hurry' he said while grabbing my hand. I tried to let go of his hand, but he didn't let me walk on my own. We got in a black Audi, and we left the house. It was clearly seen that they're in a rush and maybe never want to come back here, because as soon as we got onto the streets they started to drive like F1 pilots to get to the airport.

As soon as we got there Adam pulled me out of the car and rushed to the plane, while I was trying to pull him back, but he was too muscular so I had like no chance against him. 

I heard to sound of gunshots as we stepped into the jet, and I immediately froze. He pulled me in, and a few men dressed into bulletproof stuff got in too, and we started to set off. 

I was sitting in my seat still shocked because I know that this was my last chance to get back to Damien. Adam and his mates got into the back of the plane so I was left alone, and because of the things happened to me I fell asleep. 

I woke up as the pilot started to land the jet, and because of the sudden turbulance I squeezed Adam's hand. I had no idea when did he got back, and I didn't want to be anywhere near to him.

'Sorry' I apologised, and after we landed we walked towards the door. 

'Wait, they'll check firstly if it's safe or not' he said.

'It's safe' they said. And we got into black cars. Again...

I tried to look around, but Adam forced me to look forward.

I had no idea whether they noticed or not but there was a black BMW following us. As we turned right into a narrow street it caught up on us and started shooting our car. Three of the men got out of the car to protect me and Adam but as soon as they were out, they got shot in the head.

Sam and Chris got out of the BMW to check on me. They hit Adam's head once to pass out. As I was waiting on the backseat in shock because of the shooting, Damien opened the door and he pulled me close to him to stop my shaking. He brought me back to his car in his arms.

'Paul and Ben get in the other car and follow us with Adam. If he can escape, I'll kill both of you' he shouted. 

We got onto the back of the car and to calm my nerves Damien told me not to worry because everything will be ok. 

I was so shocked because of what happened in the past minutes and because of the relief I started crying in Damien's arms. He was whispering in my ears till I fall asleep again.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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