Killer Streak

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The mask is a Hawaiian mask Samantha notices as a axe is slashed at their head. Samantha kicks the character in the stomach and they drop to the floor but doesn't drop the axe. Samantha and the others run out the forest bascally limping and see the Basketball giant picking people up and eating them. "Shi—!"

"Indeed," Gabriel moaned. An axe is raised over Danny's head but Gabriel pulls him out the way. "Leave my boyfriend alone!!!" Gabriel yells at the killer.

The tree dropped Patricia on Karen's body waking her up. "The killer!" Karen yelled with a voice crack. Karen put a hand on her head and feels wetness then looks at her hand and sees blood.

A tree bends over Karen and says "Hello, there!"

Karen looked around for her axe. "Where is it?" Karen asked. "They took it," the tree answered. Karen wasn't exactly expecting a response from the tree. "Now for my branch!" It raised another branch wrapped around a long knife. "No!" Karen yelled and started to run but fell and looked at her leg being pulled by the tree. "No, let me go!!!" Karen yelled. "Help!!!!" Karen screamed.

Tanks fired at the Basketball giant. "You can't pop me!" it rasped a yell as it grabbed a tank and ate it with the person inside.

Green gas started coming out the giant.

People scattered by with children and cousins and screaming or have blood all over their body.
More screams make Oliver and Samantha freeze in place. "Anxiety," Gabriel chokes out.

* * *

An axe comes out the trees aiming for Gabriel. Danny pulls Gabriel out the way and the Mask Killer falls but failed. "You," Gabriel said. The masked killed grabbed. The axe and wacked Gabriel and Gabriel fell down into the forest again.

Samantha grabs a pocket knife from her pocket and shoves it into the killer as the masked killer with their Hawaiian mask in the stomach and it went through the body. The killer spun around knocking Samantha over and ripped the pocket knife out of their gut. Danny grabbed a rope laying on the ground and tied it around the killer's neck and pulled. The killer bent over so quick, they sent Danny flying.

A blast was heard heading toward them so Oliver grabbed Samantha by the hand and jumped out the way landing in a pile of mud.

The blast came from the American army, and the killer disappeared so to speak.

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