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" Oh! I forgot to tell you. I am sorry. Ruka and I already broke up."

Chizuru stared at him, awaiting an explanation.

"It happened a while back." Kazuya opened his phone and showed Chizuru a message from Ruka. It was a long one. Chizuru began reading the message.

Dear Kazuya,

Let's break up.

It sounds a bit outstretched, doesn't it? After all, it was me who forced you to go out with me and treat me as your girlfriend. I had a reason for it, Kazuya—a stupid one. Actually, I was born with a defective heart.

It's not something threatening, but my heart beats much slower than other people. I felt I was not living a full life. All my friends speak about their hearts beating wildly and getting excited, but I never felt like that. I, too, wanted to have those experiences. I began searching for it, and that's why I became a rental girlfriend. I thought that my heart would beat faster if I interacted with more people and found love. My search was in vain, as there is no love in rental. I almost gave up, but then I got to know about you.

You made my heart race, Kazuya. It was you. Your care and passion for Chizuru always astonished me, and my heart began to beat like normal. I wanted to retain those beats; I wanted to feel more, so I craved your attention. I did a lot of things that hurt you and prevented you from getting close to Chizuru. I always knew that you two were meant for each other, and I never stood a chance, but my selfishness didn't accept that. But the Hawaiian trip changed me. It showed me the real Chizuru—her concern and love for you. It was really on a different level.

My heart beat reached 100 for the first time when I saw you two kiss. I was not angry but touched there. The love you two harbored for each other was so great and beautiful. The way you wanted to sacrifice yourselves for each other astonished me. It was then that I realized that what I felt for you was not love. It was admiration. I admired both of you. My heart raced because I saw such a pure form of love.

I was actually living a full life, Kazuya. I have some great friends and now a boyfriend. Yeah, it's true. His name is Kaitou Yuga. He has been my friend since middle school. He has liked me for a very long time, and everyone knows it. Even I knew it. But he never made my heart race, so I never considered him as a potential boyfriend .

But now I know that life is not just a heartbeat. It's the feelings that matter. He always tried his best to make me happy, and even after I got a boyfriend, he waited for me. I am sure he will be a great boyfriend, and I love him.

Thank you, Kazuya. I actually wanted to say this to you directly, but you are not picking up my calls. I still want to remain yours and Chizuru's friend. When you two finally become a couple, let's go on a double date!

Thank you, Kazuya. See you soon!

Chizuru finished reading the message. She leaned toward Kazuya and slightly hugged him sideways. Kazuya put his arms around her, and the couple spent a silent moment together.

Thanks for reading, and I apologize for the delay. I was pissed at myself because I was not satisfied with my work, and I rewrote the chapter three times. Please give me your reviews and opinions.

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