Angelique throws her arms around her older brothers shoulders. Her eyes tightly shut as she holds onto him. He pats her back and closes his own eyes.

Marco wouldn't admit it outloud in front if her, but he will miss her severely. His arms wrap around her small frame and he lifts her slightly off the ground.

He sets her down, and the siblings look at eachother. Angelique trying to hug him still.

"Don't die without me Que. Stay out of my room too."

"But what if I need chocolate! You have a never ending stash."

"Its my chocolate. Get your own."

"I'll just steal some of Regulus'. I'm gonna miss you Marco. Home won't be the same without you."

"I'll be home for holidays. I'll send you presents, and loads of candy for your birthday too. I'll send a letter as a Gryffindor within two days. Be ready, yeah?"

Angelique nods her head a soft smile accompanying it. Her arms are wrapped around Marco once more, and a second pair makes Marco look to see his mom.

"I love you guys," he says. The train whistling loudly, and promptly causes him to run with Sirius onto the train.

The train starts moving a minute later. The red and black steam engine blows its horn. Black smoke clouds the hidden wizard station. The train is completely gone after a full forty five seconds.

"Is he going to forget about us mum?"

"Oh my dear Sunshine. No. Marco loves you very much love its impossible for that boy to forget you. And I'm his mother. If he ever forgets me I'll make him remember real quick." Florence tucks a few stray strands of Angeliques hair. The black hair complimenting her tan skin, and green eyes staying after Florence's hand leaves her daughters ear.

"Ok." Angelique looks around slightly disappointed, but her eyes quickly get their shine back at seeing something. A blob of curly black hair.

Her cheeks instantly get bigger as she smiles. All her pearly white teeth showing as she takes her mothers hand and races towards it.

Silver eyes contrasting the jet black of Regulus' hair meets green. Her hand leaves her mums and she wraps her arms around Regulus.

"Thank God you arn't in Hogwarts yet. I'm not alone now. We have to hang out everyday. More hide and seek. We can practice quidditch too. I'm going out for seeker when I get to second year. You should too!"

"Wow, Angelique. That's a lot of words to process. Can you give me a few years?" Regulus smiles towards the girl and she does the same. "But yeah. We should hang out everyday. I don't want to be alone either. Sirius usually keeos everything fun."

"You'll never be alone as long as I'm alive Reggie." The girl puts her pinky infront of him, and he intertwines his own with hers.

"Thanks. You're a great friend." The girls cheeks burned, and were close t9 a deep red from his words. They don't mean much to someone on the outside, but to her it is the start of their whole life. He likes her.

The parents of the two ten year olds take their hands and lead them out of Kings Cross Station.

The start of something not particularly good brewing ahead of them.


Dear Mum and Angelique,
I got into Gryffindor! It's an exciting thrill. Everyone cheered for me at the table. They were really excited anytime someone was sorted into the house. Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor as well. He took it a little hard. He is a little scared for the holidays. Thinks he let Walburger- sorry mum- Walburga and Orion down.
We met some friends. Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew. And James Potter. They're amazing! We already pulled off a prank to start the year off. Man you should've seen it. Can't believe I met such amazing people. James is already fancying some redhead too. Lily Evans. Lily Evans is almost everything we hear. Reminds me of Angelique sometimes. Anyways the prank was setting off dungbombs in the girls bathroom. Had some help with a ghost. Moaning Myrtle. She died here a while back. Crazy lady. Brilliant though. I got to go, we are about to go make Ravenclaw's pumpkin juice turn them orange!

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