Marco and Angelique walk down the stairs hand in hand. As they reach sight of all the guests the room becomes silent. Angelique tightens her grip on her brothers hand and her eyes go to every single person in the room. Only four are familiar.

Her green eyes reach the floor again as Marco squeezes her hand too. They reach the floor and Marco leads her to the small group of people they do know. Her heads lifts as the girl looks to Orion and Walburga.

Their faces are stuck in snarls as they look down at her. Walburga gives a pained smile trying to give the girl a small congratulations, but Orion only gives a nod. Sirius and Regulus stand silently at their parent's side. Marco taps his finger nervously against Angelique's hand.

Walburga raises her hand in a wave to some people behind the young pair. Orion looks at her and the two adults walk away. Marco lets out a breath at the same time as Sirius.

"I thought they'd never leave." Marco chuckles as Sirius relieved tone. Marco lets go of his sister's hand and hugs his friend. Angelique smiles at Sirius. "Happy birthday by the way. Do you like the party?" He asks the last bit in a sarcastic tone and waves his hand around to all the people who are grouped together and all adults.

The girl scoffs lightly. Her eyes travel around the room and all the way back to Regulus who is looking at her with a small smile. She smiles back and looks to Sirius.

"The party is a rager! All these people here to celebrate me, I feel more famous than Headmaster Dumbledore." Sirius snorts and gives her a look.

"Can't get ahead of yourself now, sister." Marco says amused with her. Regulus shifts closer to Angelique and she looks around them. She sees that none of the adults are paying attention and pulls him into a tight hug. The boy stiffens at first before embracing her as well.

Sirius and Marco raise their brows at the two as they quickly leave the hug. Angelique's face becoming more red.

   "Happy Birthday, I'm glad to see you again," Regulus says. He lowers his face, as the others begin to converse, to hide his own tomato brushed cheeks. 

   "Regulus you brought the presents right?" Sirius asks. The boy raises his head slightly to shake it. Sirius clicks his tongue. "I forgot them too."

   "We could all just go over there, right?" Marco suggests.

   "That's a great idea!" Sirius shakes Marco lightly and smiles big. Regulus opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it once more.

"Don't you think we should just tell our parents? You remember what they said about fooling around," Regulus whispers to his older brother harshly. Angelique looks between the two feeling responsible for the oncoming argument.

"They won't notice our absence. They'll think we went exploring with our friends, not that we snuck out and got presents."


"I promise it'll be fine, but if you insist, Marco and I can go and you two stay here. Cover for us." Sirius gives her a smile.

   "What do we say if they do notice you guys gone?" Angelique whispers as she looks between the two boys. Sirius places his hand on his hips as he looks at the younger siblings.

   "If they notice, then you say that we went to find treats. It's believable, and not exactly a lie. Your presents are sweet."

   "You got me candy for my birthday too?" Regulus smiles and shakes his head.

   "No, he means that they're cool. I think you'll like them very much." Regulus looks between his brother and  Angelique, who both have smiles on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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