Dear Angelique,
I had to write you. You're my little sister, and I know that whatever going on is scaring you. So I decided to give you a little help.
   I've officially become popular here. We are only in first year and Remus, Sirius, Peter, James, and I are the most well known. Professor McGonagall loves us. She hides it under numerous detentions though.
   I had a fifth year buy some sweets and presents from a near by village for your birthday. I'll send them to you soon. Classes are easy. It's a breeze. The homework is tiresome though. Annoyingly so. The bloody papers just keep flying into my face it seems.
    I'm hoping that when I get home you're still the same. You shouldn't change no matter what. Let me tell you that muggle borns are a delight. Marlene McKinnon is in my year along with Lily Evans and they are fantastic. Lily is a top student already, and Marlene is awesome.
   Angelique I wouldn't normally say this but you deserve to hear it. I miss you. A lot. It's a load, and I can't wait until you're here with me next year. No matter the house you're put in. I hope it's not Slytherin though. All the ones I've met so far are horrible, they  don't like my friends.
    I love you.
   Your brother,

   Angelique hurriedly puts the paper under her mattress as her bedroom door opens. She wipes the tears off her cheeks as her mother comes in.

  Her green eyes harden and lose all emotion. It's two days until her birthday. Everything was different. Everything changed.

    The girl no longer has any fun in her own home. Everything seems to be changing, and herself with it. She has been suffering more lessons. The light surrounding her that once made her seem angelic now seems to be a darkness pulling her into an abyss.

    They added dueling in the mix. Stuff she's supposed to be learning in Hogwarts. She's got bruises in places she  didn't even think could bruise.

    Her mother changed. The night she got back, her mother was cold. Her dad was worse than he had been at first too. Her mother is what made it hardest though. Her whole attitude changed. It's like someone took over her mind. Clouded what she actually thought, and made her hateful and disgusting.

   "Its time for your lady lessons. To prepare for the event on your birthday. Let's go."

   "I just want to relax for my birthday though," the girl complained. "You said that I wouldn't have to do what dad wanted me to on my birthday. That we could go to Diagon Alley and just hang out."

   "Things change. I suggest you change with them. No fighting me on this. Or anything for that matter. Lets go."

   Florence grabs the girls arm dragging her out the room. The girl fights though. Her mothers hand to tight on her wrist. She hollers and digs her heels into the floor.

   She tried to unwrap her mothers fingers, but they were like stone set against her tanned skin. She feels the rush of blood to her face as she gets angry.

    "I DON'T WANT TO! I want Marco!" She exclaims. She stomps her foot into the ground again. Her mother whirls around, and her hand strikes the young girls face. The sound seems to bounce of the walls and echo for minutes.

   Florence's eyes shift as tears roll down her daughters face. Hot tears. Her green eyes not sparkling and instead she gets hot with boiling feelings she's never felt before. Her hand is no longer fighting her mothers grip, but holding her face. A red hand print forming.

   Florence kneels down. Her hand goes to check her daughters face as her own softens in confusion. Her hand lets go of her daughters.

   "Angelique, sunshine. What day is it?"

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