Birthdays are a special occasion. It's when most people celebrate getting through another year of life. With most there are certain birthdays that call for even bigger celebration, for wizards these are the 11th, and 17th.

The 11th birthday is when young witches and wizards can get into a school and master their abilities. The young generation of witches and wizards spend ten years waiting for this one. Its always a big deal. The 17th birthday is when they can legally use magic outside of school. It's another big deal as all the young, cocky teenagers finally use their magic whenever they can for anything.

Little Angelique is turning 11 today. Her excitement bubbling over and spilling like Niagra Falls itself.

Angelique sits up as someone comes in with a big black box. Another person follows carrying another box. The third woman who comes in holds a black bag that encompasses something grandeur.

The first woman comes to the girls bed and pulls the blankets off her. Angelique looks at her, and squeals when the woman pulls her next.

Angelique looks out the window. She watches the lawn. The wind flattened, hay like, emerald green, grass looking more dull than it should. The girls green eyes are waiting for the sight of her mother and father apperating in with Marco. Their own brightness has dimmed slightly with the time. They just need one thing to hold onto and maybe, just maybe, they'd be bright again. They'd hold the precious light she would give out, that of which could change a whole world.

She's excited to see see Marco. The loneliness without her older brother left her cold and empty, especially with how quickly things switched.

   She needed the comfort of her older brother. Her built in best friend. The way life had so drastically turned since their move was troubling her mind. Her brain getting used to the new way and forgetting the old. If Marco was not to visit she may just forget who she wants to be, and fall into the image of what her bewitched parents want her to be.

   When looking out the window becomes too boring for her the girl turns to her door. Being home alone left some privileges she wouldn't have if someone was watching her.

   Angelique runs down the steps and into the living room. She jumps onto the couch and starts laughing at the pictures hanging above it. She gets bored of that too, and decides to run into into her dad's hallway. The forbidden hallway that had his office and all the meeting rooms.

   She didn't know that it would cause so much problems. She never understood why she wasn't allowed to go down there. It always looked like an ordinary hallway, another one of their dark gloomy pieces of the broken home. It seemed ominous to the almost 11 year year-old. It was dark. The lights were all off and the doors locked but dad was always there, so she was curious.

      The clicking of the front door had her turning. A green light from the third door down missed by her eyes. She walks to the front door hurriedly. Marco steps in first. His lined mouth turning into a big smile at the sight of his sister.

    "Marco!" Angelique runs into her brother's waiting arms. She wraps her smaller ones around his bigger frame and buries her head into his chest.  She feels his own arms tighten around her frame and it causes the overjoy to spill from her eyes. He lifts her up and they spin for a short second.

   "Angelique! I've missed you so much." Her brother tightens his hold, as if he wasn't already breaking her ribs.

   "Marco!" Angelique feels her tears soaking Marcos shirt. She feels the soggy shirt shift uncomfortably as her face moves to hug her brother better, but she doesn't care. The tears are from the overjoyed of finally having something bright in this dark cave. The tears are the unshed ones from all the times she's had to not cry in this past month.

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