Me and the gang got into a brawl wit Tay rivalssss🤪🤪

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Me and  the gang got into a brawl wit Tay rivalssss🤪🤪

Okay so me and the gang all decided to link up because it had been forever. I called diamond, yea me and her cool, and she brought Hakeem, Tj, and Peanut in her car, and the boys drove us. We all met at the roller rink and decided to do something real fun, like skate. We went-Up to the lady at the desk and she was super nice. We all got our skates and while putting them on I felt something so uneasy but I shook it off because I don't want to concern anyone and ruin the mood. But Im going to be looking out. I put on my skates fully and headed for the-Floor.

I didn't wait for anyone. I knew they was going to be on their way soon enough so I hit the floor and 1,2 step by Ciara came on. I was jamming swaying my hips and having a good time. Next thing I know someone comes behind me and swoops me up, I looked down and seen -Familiar hand tattoos. I smiled knowing it was Tay and we just rode off listening to a few more songs, that uneasy feeling appearing every so often. I looked back every few minutes and seen the gang falling and tripping, peanut is dying at everyone falling just to fall right after. I love my friends frfr.

We are all like family and I just admire the years some of us have had and the years all of us will have. I take a break to go use the bathroom and one my way I spot a group of weird ass people but I'm not stressing them cause I don't see any
Familia faces. I had to wait outside the bathrooms in the hallway and out of the boys bathroom comes Cameron. This nigga has had it out for me every since me and Tay met. That niggas a weirdo and ion fw him. I just got up and tried to walk away but as I turned to get away I felt someone grab my arm.

C😶: wassup baby, it's been a minute.

T🧿: back tf up my nigga.

C😶: or what?

T🧿: ooooou my niggas gon fuck you up.

C😶: bitch stfu.

He says pushing me hard asf. He stood at a coo 6'0. I turned around to fight back but realized I had no use. I ran out the hallway to see if I can spot the gang and shi. I seen them all the way on the other side of the damn rink and ran on the rink with no skates or shoes on.

*Out of breath*

Everyone gets off the rink while carrying me to one of the tables.

P💕: calm down baby, tell me was wrong.

PB🧸: BAEE calm tf down.

T🧿: Cameron is here and he just tried to push up on me on that weird shi.

P🥜: WTFFFF, I thought I saw them niggas in here.

Tj💯: that's crazy cause I know I seen some of his ppls roaming.

S💥🔫: oh hell naaaah, he touch you tok.

I stayed quiet cause I ain't have the time. He just grabbed my shoulders and asked again.

S💥🔫: did he fucking touch you?

I nodded my head slowly and they stalked they way around the rink.

D💎: maneee hell nah them mfs getting beat.

We walked around to the other side of the rink and I knew it was bout to be some shit.


Tay seen him and he knew what was up. Cameron looked back after seeing all his friends faces change and was kinda shocked.

T🦋: you touched my girl?

C😶: nigga what.

He gets up in a defensive manner and all his friends (male and females) tucked in their jewelery and Tays "gang" just pulled up our pants and tucked their jewelry and took some shit off.

T🦋: did you touch my fucking girl nigga?

Tay gets in Cameron's face, Cameron chuckles and ain't give af.
Tay just turned to the gang gave them a look and took that man's whole dental. Next thing yk one of the girls jumped in to break it up but Tokyo snatched her up fast. Sending nothing but headshots. All connecting causing the girl to bleed then her friend tried to jump in and snatch Tokyo up but diamond was hot on her trail and quickly snatched her up too. Now the girl had a good hand on diamond and was able to sling her to the floor but diamond pulled her down with her and they fought on the floor. Tokyo still had the girl by here neck, socking her all in her face and the girl just tried to cover her face. Tj had caught one of the boys in the other group and began socking on him, peanut and Hakeem both decided to punch the other dudes that was there pulling The people apart and they all just brawled. The security came and when they began pulling people off each other Tay and his people got they last couple hits in, leaving the other people messed completely up.
   ~Tay pov~

We ran out that bitch and ain't look back. I told that nigga what wassup. He just didn't wanna go on . Now he got his whole clique beat up. We all was mad but still out of breath. We ended up going to the buffet place down the street and all ate and talked about the fact that we all just got into a big ass brawl and didn't get damn near any bruises. Although I did get scratched on my arms and diamond got a lil scratch on her face but besides all of that no one was really messed up frfr.

We ate and although still mad we had a great time. We all split the bill and parted ways. Me and the boys went home and didn't really wanna talk about the fight although someone sent it to us. We were like damn bro but it is what it is. I took a shower to get the blood off of me and so did the boys. After getting cleaned up,We all went to lay down. And watched bridgerton. Soon falling asleep.

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