Chapter nine:Drunk words

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"She had magic in her eyes,Even the stars envied"

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"She had magic in her eyes,
Even the stars envied"

Eros Vandare
"Okay,okay!" She manages to say through tipsy giggles as she pushes the crumped up napkin with her number written on it, into Dimitris hands. Stupid fucking Russian.

Dimitri gives her a lop sided grin while promising her that he will text her the moment he returns to his car.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I smoothly pull it out only to see that our driver has finally arrived, and I don't have to watch Dimitri and Bella flirt like fucking idiots anymore. About fucking time.

"We're leaving Bella" I say sternly while she begins to try and sneak back inside, to the ongoing party. Right before she slides back in, I lean over her and slam the door shut with one arm, making sure she is not caught in between.

She throws her head back dramatically, and it hits the front of my chest as she groans loudly, clearly aggravated that I am not allowing her to go make an ass of herself.

I lean down quickly and place my mouth near her ear, making sure she alone can hear me, "It's not a good look for everyone to see the mafia heir running around with some Russian assassin, intoxicated off of expensive table champagne, at a formal event."

She turns her head back slowly to look at me and realization washes across her pale face, she yawns loudly while saying "whatever, I am tired anyway." Hard headed mother fucker.

With that she pushes out from in front of me and walks over near Dimitri, who is now leaning against the railing with a drunken posture and smile.

I barley even saw that fucking lightweight drink.

"Dimitri, I had a wonderful time with you." She says with a kind smile. Fucking smile.

"You as well gorgeous, get home safe." He then leans down and gently kisses her slightly rosy cheek, due to the cold breeze slicing through the air.

"gli taglierò quella maledetta lingua." I mutter under my breath while I watch their idiotic interaction.

With that Dimitri smoothly walks down the large steps and begins to walk to one of the many cars parked on the side of the road. Maybe he will get hit by a fucking car.

Here's to fucking hoping.

Bella begins to unsteadily make her way down the stairs, tripping and rocking. Her tall black heels with red slightly peeking out on the bottom, shake underneath her as she struggles to stay upright.  She's so fucking spoiled.

I quickly make my way down the steps, and slowly keep one step in-front of her, as she struggles to makes her way down the steep steps. I will probably loose my job if she falls and fucking dies.

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