Chapter ten:training

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"You return like autum,And I fall every time"

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"You return like autum,
And I fall every time"

Arabella Karve
I groan loudly as my exhausted eyes slightly crack open, and immediately the blinding sun shines straight onto my hungover face. I throw my arm across my face, trying to spare myself from the cocky sun that was probably trying to teach me a lesson on not getting drunk at fancy dinner party's. Fuck me.

I stretch my legs out and slowly sit up, while wiping the river of drool hanging from my mouth away with the palm of my lethargic hand. Nasty.

I swing my legs slowly over the side of my bed, towards my door, and I immediately flop back down onto my back, deciding to give up on life.

Then it suddenly hits me, slight memories of last night start to claw their way to the front of my brain.

Flirting with Dimitri, talking deeply with Eros in the car, and... how the fuck did I get up to my bed?

Oh my fucking god.

A rough knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I am too tired to even care who it is.

"Come in." I say, grimacing at my voice that was worn and gravelly and sounds as if I haven't used it in several years.

I hear the door softly creak open and large, assertive footsteps cross the threshold. I hear them pause and then the intoxicating scent reaches me, and wraps around me like a warm hug.

The soft smell of the green earth after a fresh rain, the musky scent that lingers in every refreshing breath, as you step upon damp soil while water still drips faintly from the dewy leaves. It's mixed with the strong smell found deep in the woods, wafting in the air, from the sticky, sweet sap of magnificent pine trees. It's the scent you want to never stop inhaling because it warms your bones and reminds you that you are alive and flourishing.


"You look like shit." Are the first words that leave his cruel lips, destroying the warmth of his scent.

"No need to flatter me so early in the morning." I say in a grouchy, sarcastic tone while shutting my eyes.

"Well good thing it's four in the afternoon." I hear him say judgmentally.

"Oh lovely thank you for telling me, now bye." I say with my eyes closed while tiredly rising my arm in the air and floppily shooing him.

"I hate to update you principessa, but we are training with daggers today." As he says that I can almost hear the smirk in his voice, knowing he is killing me slowly.

"No thank You, now go fuck yourself." I groan loudly while turning dramatically onto my stomach and pushing my face into the blankets.

Before Eros showed up, and after everything went down hill, I begged my father to let me train and learn how to fight in order to protect myself. And after lots of screaming and arguments, he finally gave in, and decided once I got a full time bodyguard, the bodyguard would train me in everything.

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