Chapter twenty four:Sick

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"She denies it

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"She denies it.
But truth is, she's falling in love with him."

Arabella Karve
If I had a gun, I'd shoot myself in the fucking head.

"Your father said he is not sending for the doctor Arabella. He said you've always been difficult when it came to stomach issues. So calm down you just have a sto-" My fathers apprentice argues as he stands at the end of my bed.

And I'd first use the gun to shoot my fucking father and his stupid balding apprentice.

"I know I have a fucking stomach ache, but I need any drug that is going to help me keep down my fucking food" I sneer angrily while curling up into a tighter ball.

I'm going to fucking vomit.

"You act like puking is going to kill you."

I'm going to fucking kill you.

"I would rather fucking die then puke."

"You need to start acting like a lady Arabella Karve."

"If you don't have anything to help me, then get the fuck out of my room." I bite out angrily. The feeling of panic creeps into my stomach making it hurt even worse.

I can't fucking vomit.

My father's assistant sighs angrily, "bitch" he mumbles under his breath before storming out of my room.

A tear rolls down my cheek as my heart races in my chest from the feeling of bile sitting in my throat.

Of course I have the stupidest fucking phobia to ever walk the fucking planet.

My stomach aches again and I clench my eyes shut while grinding my teeth together.

I open my eyes and focus on the vintage dresser sitting on the opposite side of my room, trying to distract myself from the pain in my stomach.

I still remember all of the notes that he would leave me on my dresser. It was always the same type of card, with the same haunting cursive, attached to a red rose.

One of the last ones I received from him will forever be inscribed in my brain, like an aching reminder,

My rose,
You looked pretty tonight while you were asleep, you do every night. It's funny the way the world works. At first I just saw you as my key to the throne, my final challenge to see if I am worthy. But for some reason I can't help but not want to leave you alone. I'm going to have to take you one day. But for now, let's just enjoy our time together.
~Yours truly, Dominik Voklov

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