Chapter 3: Old memories

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Waking up in the morning was never an easy task for most people. Unfortunately for y/n, she was an active member of this committee. Looking around, she tried to cover her sleepy eyes from the sun that came to her from the glass window.

Sitting up on her bed, legs still under the covers, the events of yesterday came back to her mind. She had held in her words, going back to Enola's house. The same people were here, meaning she had to deal with Sherlock and the irritable Mycroft.

Luckily for them, y/n had found a way to escape the household, leaving the two men to their own company since she brought Enola with her. They fooled around, trying new extravagant things like wigs or dresses that were incredibly hideous.

Getting up, y/n made her wait out of the room, not without taking a look around the room. A small mess was creating itself since she wasn't really home these past few days. A pile of books had created itself beside her desk which was filled with music sheets or letters of people that were offering her a job for a night or two.

Her bed sheets weren't sorted out but since she had just woken up, she didn't pay any mind to them. A small pile of clothes was sitting besides her closet, patiently waiting for the woman to sort them out.

Sighing, y/n excited the room, now directing herself towards the kitchen. Taking out a small but nice bowl of fruits, not wanting to have too much for breakfast. Grabbing the book on the small table, y/n opened it, continuing her reading session that she left on hold since yesterday.

An hour later, she was ready for the day. Not feeling like wearing a dress, she instead chose a pair of dark pants, followed by a white blouse that would normally be covered by a long dark blue coat.

Since she had time before making her way to Enola's home, she had started cleaning out her room that was slowly becoming chaotic. A few minutes later, the home was filled with her voice gently signing a melody from her childhood.

Forgetting the events that had bothered her earlier, y/n just decided to have fun and stop worrying about other things. Her feet danced around as she swept away the dust with the help of a broom.

Around ten o'clock, the bell of her apartment door rang, signaling her a visit. Letting go of what she was doing, y/n headed towards the door, not taking a look in the mirror. I assure you that she'll be regretting this decision in a few seconds.

Opening the door, she was met by the smaller figure of her mother.

"Hi darling." She inquired with a cheery tone.

"Good morning mother." To say that y/n was expecting her would be lying. Still, she was happy to see her mother this morning.

"Morning." Said a much deeper voice that certainly did not belong to the older woman.

Peering out the door frame, her e/c met the icy blue eyes that she terribly wanted to avoid. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and in suspicion. How did he know she lived here and why in the name of the deceased people in her family was he here.

If the situation permitted it, Sherlock would've laughed at how silly y/n presently looked. Only slightly smiling he adjusted his black suit, smoothing it out with the help of his hands. He had begun feeling anxious, hiding it as best he could, under the judging gaze of the woman that he once knew like the back of his hand.

"Well, y/n, why don't you invite us inside ?" Not wanting to counter back her mother's words, the woman moved herself from the door, allowing the two visitors to enter.

Sherlock, as the gentleman he is, let y/n's mother enter first before following her steps, closing the door behind him. He moved around the room, not once touching the furniture in the apartment.

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