"Things Dads do"

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Peter's POV
"I didn't know there was an Illuminati in our universe," said America.
"What is an Illuminati?" I whisper to myself, really just going with the flow.
"It's an organisation," America answers.
"Of what?"
"Get a closer look!"

While I inch closer against the building I'm clinging too, I use my oversensitive hearing to listen through the bricked walls of the Illuminati building.

"Did you get the technology?" A woman asks. Her voice is deep and aged.
"I did, got you a bonus too," a man responds.
I hear noises of protests and grunting.
"I didn't ask for them," the woman states.
"That's why it's called a bonus."

"The Illuminati got to Harley's lab to get his technology. Harley obviously wasn't willing to surrender it. So they attacked, and captured Stephen and Harley," I whisper through my earpiece to Ami and Kate.

Another line connects with my suit.
Fury speaks, "You sent a signal, Parker."
"What took you guys so long?!" Kate shouts.
"Our guy came to the hospital to capture Loki and Tommy."
"Did he succeed?" Ami asks.
"Bro-" Cassie sighs.

"We've got a lead on Harley and Stephen. They've been missing since yesterday," I inform the team.

"Let us take over, you shouldn't be on this mission. Need I remind you that you're physical health has been 'yeeted' from your body?" Fury orders.

Do people still say that? (do they?)

I chuckle at his choice of words, then sigh,
"I can handle it."

Harley's POV
I wake up feeling lost. Like I was in a dream, then my eyes opened, and now I don't have any sense of reality.

"Kid?" Stephen's deep voice calls out to me.
Yeah, at least I can hear.
"Yeah. It's me, it's okay."

I look around myself.
"I'm guessing my dad brought us here."
Stephen's expression answered everything.
Pretty fucked up shit.

Speak of the devil. My dad walks into the the agitating white room.
"Take Strange, leave Harley here," he orders the bots.
I cling to Stephen's hand.
"Hey, he won't do anything to you," Stephen whispers.
"How do you know that?"
"Because you're stronger than him."

He lets the bots grab him and lead him out of the room, leaving me alone with my dad.

"I got your letters," my dad states.
"I sent them to my dad. Not some fucking lunatic like yourself," I spat.
"Look, things are the way they should be."
"Exactly, so stay out of my life and the life of my fam-...
"You're not getting attached to these people are you?"
"Maybe I am."
"The consequences of your actions remain. It'll hurt them. Don't you see? I'm protecting you!"
"I don't need you!"
"You do! You begged me every night to come back!"
"Then why don't you love me?"

He falls silent.
"Why did you make me live a lie. Where you came home and tucked me into bed. Kissing my forehead goodnight. When in the morning you would gel my hair for school and when I came back you'd teach me mechanics. Why? Why, if all you want is this?"

I sob weakly in front of him, and he doesn't say anything. It breaks my heart to think I'm still rooting for him to come back. But some things just aren't meant to change, and not even a war with destiny can change that.

Tommy's POV
Billy and I are laying low behind the Illuminati Headquarters. So far no drones have tasered us so that's fine. I glance at my brother, his teary eyes just lost in thought. I realised I haven't talked to him ever since...Gosh I'm such a coward.

I don't know what to say though, can't find the right words. So I settle for,
"We'll end him."

Slowly, painfully, agonisingly. He'll be at his knees, begging for his life.

Billy's eyes meet mine, "How?" he asks.

He attempts a smile.

"What happened with him at the hospital?"
"I dunno. Loki sorta just threw a table at him...I guess?"
"You're telling me that he just threw a table at him he let you guys go?"
"I know it's kinda sus... But if you ask me he's kinda batshit crazy and he has the mental health of a fish"
"That's a mean thing to say."
"I don't mind."

Cassie's POV
So we can conclude on thing.
Kang is a fucking bitch.
And the amount of rage I'm feeling is immeasurable. I haven't talked to Tommy or Billy since their mom passed, but it was likely she was all they had.
It's a bit selfish.
It's really selfish.
But I'm just kind of grateful my dad is still here.

"You doing okay, peanut?" My dad broke me from my thoughts.
"Yeah, just fine."

"Guys!" Peter speaks through the line.
"I see him. I see Harley. He's screaming."
"At who?"
"Some man."

I think for a little while.
"I should shrink and go in!"
"That's dangerous," Peter contradicts.
"I know but it's worth a shot."

"If you're going in, I'm coming with you," my dad urges.
"No, dad. Stay here. Please."
"Cassie, I'm coming with you."

My fear of losing him only grows more. I try to protest a little further, but he's already a few steps ahead of me.

"Fury, you think one of your drones can make a hole through the bricks?" my dad asks.

Once the hole is made, I enter first, but before my dad could enter, I pushed him down.

I quickly closed the gap with some gum I was chewing and enter the quarters.

I overhear Harley's conversation with his dad, too small to be noticed.

"Why did you make me live a lie. Where you came home and tucked me into bed. Kissing my forehead goodnight. When in the morning you would gel my hair for school and when I came back you'd teach me mechanics. Why? Why, if all you want is this?"

It's a short while before his dad responds,

"I never stopped loving you, Harley. But I did this for us."


"Oh fuck off," Harley spits.
"I did this for you. The Illuminati knew of the multiverse, Harley. We were trying to keep it safe. I was trying to keep you safe. But now, you're involved. And so is a very dangerous man. The conquerer. Join me, and we can fight together."

Don't fall for it Harley. Please don't.

"You just want my weapons," Harley whispered, enraged.
"No. I want my son to fight by my side."
"That's what you thought when you kidnapped me?"
"Only for this," his dad said.
"I'm sorry. But I have a family."
"They can't fight for you," his dad sterns.
"They can. And I love them."

There's a hologram on the screen. It displayed Kang's horrible actions across the multiverse. Nothing we haven't seen before.
"The Illuminati is far too powerful for him. We can prevent this. We can keep you safe. Your friends are his fight, only because you know of him. He's eradicating you like an obstacle. Stay with us. Join us. So we can defeat him."

There's a long wait while Harley is thinking.
Why is he thinking?
Why doesn't he just refuse?
I should save him.

Just as I'm about to grow myself to my normal size, Harley responds to his father,


What the fuck?

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