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"You're looking at the stars again," Paimon commented quietly beside the fire they had made for the night. Her words were a bit muffled by the food she was inhaling but the Traveller had gotten used to it enough to be able to decipher what the fairy had meant.

"Mhm." Was the simple response that left his lips as he kept a firm gaze on the stars. While he had a lot of people he could rely on when it came to a few things, by the end of the day, the stars were always what comforted him the most.

As someone who has traveled through different worlds, the stars were the few constants he had in his life. The other would've been his sister but he's come to learn that even she will eventually separate from him depending on the situation. 

That's why he's come to appreciate the stars as much as he could, he didn't know when they'd disappear on him too.

"What's so interesting about them anyways?" Paimon asked as she slowly started to float her way over beside the braided blonde. "You would probably stare at them all day if you were given the chance to!"

"They..." He whispered, his eyes softening as a tiny smile appeared on his face. "They remind me of home, that's all."

"Oh..." Paimon's face seemed to grow a bit worried as she took note of the melancholic look on the traveler's face. "I see." She responded quietly before turning to look up at the sky as well. 

Aether has always been quite the mystery to Paimon. For someone she's been traveling with for months now, she didn't know much about him other than what he told her when they first met and that he wanted to find his sister.

So, if looking at the stars were to connect her a bit more to him, then she wouldn't mind wasting a few of her hours just staring at them in silence with him.

"Hey...why don't we get some sleep-" Paimon started after a while before a shriek left her lips as she immediately pointed at the sky. "What is that?!"

Aether was quick to stand up in alert as he squinted his eyes at the start sky. In the middle of the sea of stars was something...falling?

"Is it a meteor?!" Paimon continued to freak out about it as she imagined where it might fall and the damage it might bring. "It looks like it's going to fall somewhere in Mondstadt!"

After a bit more observing, Aether nodded as he agreed that it was, in fact, going to land in Mondstadt. By now, the falling object has gathered more speed allowing it to look a

The traveling duo waited patiently for the object to fall even more. As it descended closer to the ground, Aether's eyes widened as he took notice of something.

"It's a person!"

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