Chapter 1

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It was pitch black. That was the first thing [Name] realized as he slowly opened his eyes.

He was floating, he realized right after. It was as though his body was defying all logic of gravity as he remained on his back despite the lack of support from the ground. He looked around cautiously with his eyes, not daring to move just yet lest anything were to happen.

As he scanned his surroundings to the best of his abilities, he soon came to confirm that he was, indeed, suspended in the middle of a blackened abyss.

Was he dead? He couldn't help but wonder.

Rather than remaining still, he soon began to test the waters by slowly twitching his fingers, then his arms, and then slightly wiggling around, before just outright turning his head. Once he deemed it safe to move, he started turning around the place to get a better outlook on the unfamiliar surroundings.

As expected, the abyss continued to stretch endlessly with no form of light in sight. Despite the darkness of the area though, he could clearly see his body like he normally would in the sun. It was honestly suspicious and as much as he wanted to make sense of everything, he couldn't.

He continued turning, even walking, or hovering in this situation, around the area, before taking notice of one small fact he missed.

He wasn't breathing.

Panicking at the new information, he immediately opened his mouth only to wince and start choking as water filled his throat. Bubbles left his mouth as a result of his choking as more water began to fill his lungs.

[Name] grabbed his throat and continued to choke, the lack of air catching up to him, before he closed his mouth. He couldn't help the slight fear he felt as he began to reach up and swim determinedly, his mind screaming at him to get oxygen as soon as possible.

He kept swimming upwards until he finally began to see light seep into the abyssal area, turning it into what he could now recognize as an ocean. More hope filled him at the thought of getting up as he swam even harder.

He was so close, so close yet still so far, as his fingers slightly grazed what he could assume was the top of the water. Before he could swim a tiny bit farther, a huge force began pulling him down as he helplessly reached out for the unachievable summit of the water.

He kept falling further into the stomach of the darkened ocean until he eventually lost consciousness once again, the last thing he saw being the hopeless light he never got to reach.

"Ack!" [Name] shot up from where he lay in a cold sweat, his hands shaking as he gripped the sheets covering him. He breathed in and out, trying to relax himself, only to slap a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from throwing up.

For some reason, he could still feel the water stuck in his throat despite realizing that it was all a dream.

He swallowed thickly, trying to bite back his hurl, before sliding his hands to cover his eyes, once again practicing his breathing. Once he was a bit calmer, he finally let his hand fall from his face as he looked around.

He was in a simple bedroom room, that much he was certain of. It didn't look like anything to be suspicious of but just the fact that it was an unfamiliar place made him cautious.

He drew away the blanket covering him only to notice he was wearing different clothes, more specifically, the ones that he usually wore whenever he transformed into his vidyadhara form. His hands reached up to his head for confirmation and just as he expected, he could feel the longer hair and the horns on top of his head.

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