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Ch. 6: An Exchange

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Yorkton was a bright spot in the middle of the sweeping darkness. Torches cast a golden glow on and before the small wall that had been erected around the city. Everywhere but the far eastern side that abutted Estrellum. Why waste resources to protect against a dead land?

From our vantage point atop the hill, we could see into the city. Like its wall, it was well lit within. Almost to the point of absurdity, as if the inhabitants were afraid of leaving room for shadows.

It was smaller than I remembered, with only a single paved road running through its middle. That road was lined with shops and taverns, and at its end sat a massive house of stone. All straight lines and harsh corners, it looked more like a fortress or palace, but it was not quite big enough to earn those monikers.

Beside me, Yoko fumed as she took mental notes of all she saw. Anger would not undo years of training, and we would need her skills as a former soldier in the Royal Army if we hoped to be successful tonight. I just wished she would get over it.

As if she could read my mind, she tilted her head, bringing me into her peripheral vision. "This would be much easier if you would let me go in alone."

"We are not separating," I snapped, checking the hood hiding my hair. The light brush made me wince. Freshly woven braids pinned against my head made my scalp tender.

"You're being unreasonable."

"Would you let me go down there alone if the roles were reversed?" That had been my trump card from the beginning, and it worked as well now as it had the first time I played it. "I know the added risks this creates, but we are stronger together. If Hyllie turns you in–"

"She won't."

"You don't know that. I've already lost Morana. I won't lose you too."

"And you think I want to lose you? They're looking for two of us, and you're the more recognizable of the two."

"My hair is hidden, and I have enough control not to start glowing in the middle of the street." I'd covered as much of my skin as possible just in case, but with enough concentration, I could snuff my light out completely. I hated the way it made me feel, but it was better than how I would feel if Yoko left me behind.

A bell pealed in the city. Twelve times the discordant note played, and soldiers filled the streets, their boisterous voices loud enough to reach us here. Those relieved of their posts stumbled toward their homes or into the taverns. The shift change lasted only a few minutes, and then the city settled back into the sleepy quiet of a late night.

"Where do you think we'll find her?" I asked as we slipped down the hill, keeping to the darkest places under trees and behind bushes.

"She'll be near the Estrellum border."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Hyllie is like any other Will-o'-the-wisp. She's going to want to be near the woods."

"She could be close to the woods if she guarded the front gate."

"Hyllie is a soldier because her father sold her into service to pay for his debts. Guarding the front gate is far more work than she's willing to do."

Yoko yanked me down to crouch in the bushes as the guard at the front gate stopped and peered in our direction. He held up his hand, and a flame appeared above his palm. Walking forward, he swept his arm from side to side. I curled my fingers around the hilt of my dagger, preparing to strike if he got too close, but just when the edges of the light threatened to spill into our hiding place, he turned and went back to his normal route.

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