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Ch. 15: A Day of Rest

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Remiel followed me back to my tent, his form all but obscured by the writhing shadows wrapped around him. The wavering edges reminded me of Tievel when he bent light to become invisible, and it occurred to me then that Remiel's magic was similar in that nature, only he used darkness to hide. Odd that of the two of them, the one I trusted more was the nightmare creature.

The surviving soldiers were checking the motionless bodies in the camp for signs of life, but I could tell from a distance that they were lifeless shells. I frowned. Now that I thought about it, there were no souls anywhere. None moving about the battlefield looking confused or complaining. Places these days were rarely free of one spirit or another floating about, though most did not come close to me as if sensing the danger I represented. But with dozens recently killed here, they should be all around us.

Not that I minded. The earlier overwhelming urge to take the soldier's soul haunted me still, and I wasn't sure I could have resisted so many at once. Not even with Remiel by my side.

"I have a question," I said out of the corner of my mouth.

Before he could answer, a lanky figure topped the hill and stormed toward us. I stopped and jutted out my elbow slightly to create a barrier between the Reaper and the prince. It would be ineffective in stopping Remiel if he actually decided to attack, but I wanted him to know I didn't feel threatened by Tievel's approach.

"Are you mad?" Rocks scattered under Tievel's boots as he came to a violent halt.

"Well," I responded, tapping my nose and forcing an airy tone to my voice. "I suppose that depends on the definition you're using. Mad as in angry? Not particularly. Mad as insane. The verdict is out on that one."

"Morana," Tievel growled, and I swore I heard an echo behind me. "I just spent hours locked away with my father, who threatened to have Kuga Sing away my immortality if you didn't make it out of the attack in one piece."

"How lucky you are then, that all pieces are accounted for."

I patted my hands over my body to emphasize my point, instantly regretting it as it drew Tievel's attention to it and the many exposed areas. Not only were my legs completely bare, but the tussle with the soldier had ripped the top so that the black bits of lace hung haphazardly over my breasts.

Had I been walking about the camp with the soldiers and Remiel the entire time? I groaned internally. Remiel could have been a gentleman and said something. With hands pressed over my cleavage and knees glued together, I forced a weak smile to my lips and waited for Tievel to stop throwing a tantrum. The eastern horizon steadily lightened as we stood there, and I hoped to get some sleep before Kuga came for me.

He grabbed my wrist, yanking it toward him and forcing me to slide my other arm around my chest to keep my modesty. This time I didn't imagine the growl behind me, and I yelped loudly to hide it. Tievel's cold blue eyes narrowed, but his attention remained on my arm.

"How did this happen? You were cut with a blade."

"Looks like you answered your question. May I have my arm back? You've caused the wound to open with your rough treatment."

Tievel released me. "Did you get a good look at the attackers? The other survivors can give us no description of them."

"I'm sorry. It was too dark, and they were too quick." I could almost feel Remiel gloating.

"This wasn't a random attack."

Tievel shoved his hands through his long hair. Currently, it was a dark color that was hard to distinguish in the low light, but I thought it might be blue. Strange. He usually preferred flashier colors unless he was feeling melancholy. I flinched away from those thoughts. That wasn't for me to concern myself with any longer.

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