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Ch. 36: Trust

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Metal sang in the night as Remiel pulled the scythe from his back. He tugged me behind him, his brown eyes heavy with worry as they swung between my face and the distant end of the path. I knew what he wanted to ask me to do.

"No, I'm not staying behind. This is my sister."

"You're exhausted and hurt." He spoke with a harshness I wasn't accustomed to coming from him. Where was the man who had once pushed me to be braver?

"And you think you can protect yourself from her flames if she decides to unleash them on you? She doesn't know you."

"My shadows. They protected us from her before. They can do so again. Please, just let me check the path."

The argument on the tip of my tongue died, and I nodded. Relief lightened his expression, and he bent to press a kiss to my forehead before pulling his hood over his head and his cowl around his mouth. In the space of a heartbeat, he became one with the darkness, and only the whispering of grass blades as they bent under his feet gave away his movement.

I hadn't wanted to give in and stay behind while Remiel ran toward danger, but he was right. His shadows offered him more protection than anything I had at my disposal right now. I could barely walk. My magic was so weak I could barely feel it, and my memories had proved that I was not immune to Mara's flames. There was also no guarantee that she would recognize that I was her sister. I was not the girl I once was.

Seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes crept toward an hour. Grease dripped from the rabbit, sizzling and popping as it landed in the flames. Desperate for something to do, I turned the spit to ensure the meat was cooked evenly. The air grew pungent with the scent of roasted rabbit, but my stomach was too tied in knots to show any interest in it.

A twig snapped. It was a small noise and close. Almost close enough to convince me it was simply a piece of wood shifting in the fire, but shortly after, there was a rustling noise in the bushes to my right. Nails digging into my palms, I watched the area closely, but nothing came out.

Turning my attention down the path, I debated the wisdom of following Remiel after so long, but after only a few more seconds, I decided I couldn't stand the not knowing any longer. I made it two steps before he materialized before me. I sucked in a scream and jumped backward. He moved like the wind, catching me around the waist and jerking me toward him.

Chests pressed together, I could feel his thundering heart against mine. "You almost stepped on the fire," he explained.

"What took you so long?"

"There was someone–or something–here alright. It took me on a merry chase. I finally turned around because I panicked it was leading me away from you."

"It was Mara. I'm certain of it."

"What made you think it was her?" He pulled down the cowl covering his face, and I was relieved to see no skepticism in his expression.

"I saw flames. In your eyes."

He frowned and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "You think she was trying to possess me?"

I didn't answer immediately. Did I think Mara had tried to possess Remiel? No. I didn't even think she had that ability. Whatever control she had over me had to do with our relationship. I felt sure of that.

"No...I don't know. Maybe I really was imagining things."

"Morana," Remiel called out as I pulled out of his arms and sat beside the fire. "Maybe it was too much, too quickly."

"What do you mean?"

He pulled a strip of meat from the rabbit's bones and popped it into his mouth. When he handed me a piece, I accepted it reluctantly. After sitting for so long, it was cold. Add that to the fact it was overcooked and bland. It took a lot of effort to chew it and swallow. Only the silent mental reminder that I needed my strength and Remiel's watchful gaze kept me from spitting it out.

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