Domestic Brutes

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The streets soon changed, turning into winding suburban streets, with large expensive houses and the occasional staring dog walker. We turned right onto Holdhelm road, pulling up in front of one the most expensive and biggest houses on the street. Four police officers; unmoving, littered the well kept front garden.

At the front door lay a badly bruised and beaten man with an extremely beautiful and tall woman crouched down in front of him. I jumped out of the car searching for the culprit with my hand on my gun. Seeing this the woman jumped up.

"He went that way." She shouted pointing further down the road.

"I'll stay here and reassure the victim." Sparks eagerly volunteered, ogling the beautiful woman.

"What does he look like?" I asked, looking down the empty street.

"Errr.... he's wearing a red cap, white shirt."

"I won't be long." I said. Giving her a reassuring look I ran up the road, hand not leaving my gun.

The streets were empty, not a person in sight as I jogged off round a bend in the road. Almost as soon as the house was out of sight, I found a small convenience store. I approached the store, now walking, still searching for the red capped culprit.

"OI stop you gotta pay for that!" A shop worker shouted.

The store doors burst open and a man wearing a red cap and white shirt flew out. He sprinted across the road and headed back up towards the house I had just left. I gave chase hot on his heels.

"Stop, I am a Hero, if you carry on running, I'll have to use force to stop you!" I shouted between breaths, as we sprinted back round the corner.

"Got nothing better to do!?" The red capped man shouted back. "Go catch some real villains!"

I sighed, annoyed by his ignorance. Taking a deep breath I allowed my muscles to crush me, accelerating past the suspect in what must have looked like an instant to him.

"I said stop!" I shouted, pulling my gun from its holster. He stopped quickly raising his hands.

"That's a bit overkill isn't it?" He said panting from the chase.

"Not really you could have a deadly power."

"What, like this one?" He asked, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

I accelerated, finding cover behind a white picket fence. Nothing happened, no noise, no nothing. I quickly poke out pointing my gun at where my suspect stood. He wasn't there. I quickly looked around pointing my gun wherever I was searching and not finding anything.

"Well done Burning you lost him!" Mocked Sparks from across the road. "Want some help??"

"Stay out of this!" I snapped back.

Suddenly the grass behind me rustled. I turned to see a miniature version of my suspect running for a small gap between two houses. I dove for him, grabbing at him furiously, but with no luck. He stopped just out of my reach, turned around and laughed.

"Always gets them." His voice now a few octaves higher. "I'm so glad my mum made me take acting lessons. Well I better be off see you soon, Burning was it?"

As he turned he was met by the curious eyes of a young cat that had snuck up on him as he gloated. This will be interesting. I thought. The cat raised its paw and gently pushed his tiny frame then quickly withdrew its paw as if he was red hot. The suspect slowly turned back like some sort of rusted robot.

"Don't suppose you would overlook this will you?" Looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"Ohhh I'm not sure I can, but it does look like you've escaped me and found a new friend." I said, delighted that the villain might suffer slightly more than usual. The cat was now posed behind him, its eyes dilated ready to strike as soon as he moved.

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