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A chorus of birds woke me with the rising sun. I slowly picked myself up from the hard bench, Sparks coat fell from me as I did. Sparks' not all that bad I thought, smiling and throwing his warm coat over my shoulders. I then realised what I had just thought. No he is, but I guess, arrrghhh. My thoughts confused me, mixing up my feelings, so I abandoned them, instead wondering where he had got to.

I looked around the overgrown garden, half expecting one of his annoying mocking comments to reveal his presence, but he was nowhere to be seen. Slightly worried that he had decided to face the Emperor alone, I silently went looking for him. I eventually found him on the abandoned street bashing the ground with a pickaxe, he had found somewhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making traps." He replied, not stopping.

"Should I help?"

"No need, sleeping beauty, this is the last one." He mocked, smiling at me. I looked around the street to see several mains lines dug up from the road and twisted into sinister looking spikes.

Sparks soon finished making his last deadly trap. Wiping the sweat off his brow he approached me.

"Right then let's make a plan of attack." He said full of confidence. "First I need to know a bit more about your power."

"For example?"

"Is your ability limited to making you move faster or can you do more, like punch harder?"

"I can."


"But the last time I did I almost killed the bloke." Images of the last man flashed up in my head, his unmoving body laying still barely breathing. Panic set in.

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure that they will bring Barry so you won't be able to kill them." He said, reassuring me. "Talking of Barry, how much do you know about his ability?"

"Well his barriers aren't indestructible but they are very hard." I explained. "Also the more barriers he puts up the weaker they are, we've been in a few sticky situations during missions before."

"Perfect." Said Sparks, smiling happily. "Right considering everything we know I'm sure that the Emperor, Warp and Barry will come once I let them know we are here."

"I don't know much about Warp, just what we saw yesterday." I informed Sparks

"Ok knowing my brother he will bring more than those two, but we will have to play that by ear." He said thinking. "So here's the plan: as soon as they arrive I will try to take Warp out, I need you to focus on Barry. If we can take these two down the fight will be ours."

I took a deep breath worried for myself and my mentor. Would I be able to do it?

"It's alright." Reassured Sparks, seeing my worry. "You can do it, you won't hurt anyone."

His words strangely calmed me. Again I took a deep breath and readied myself.

"Right, let's do this!"

We walked out into the middle of the street ready and prepared. Sparks took a deep breath, put his hand up to the sky and shot a lightning bolt. The bolt shot up into the clear blue sky like an unmissable firework.

"They should notice that. No turning back now." Said Sparks

We spread out giving a good 10 metres between us, and waited fists clenched. As we waited my stomach twisted, reminding me of my first mission. This will be the first time I will be fighting other heros and the last, I hope. Shortly later a flash of light signalled our enemies' arrival. Showtime I thought, swallowing my nerves.

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