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The first time was scary, I never thought that I would enjoy it so much, in fact I didn’t know I was going to do it until the madness took over me, I got caught up in the moment which led on to the sweet strange taste of human flesh. I was just so angry, I had walked past a tavern and caught the attention of a girl who began following me around, she was drunk and slagging me off for no reason what so ever and it was pissing me off.  I got really angry, anger had always been an issue with me ever since I was little and this girl was building the fury in me and I couldn’t hold the anger back anymore. Spying a broken glass bottle on the ground I scooped it up and kept on walking hiding the bottle in my jacket; making sure that it was just me and her once we were away from the clump of houses I lunged at her and pinned the girl to the ground, I didn't stop driving it deep into her body. After doing this for so long pieces of her skin stuck to the broken bottle and I couldn't help but have a small taste and I've been eating humans ever since. She put up a good fight though during it I thought I had made a terrible mistake lunging myself at her but suddenly like a fire strength flared through me and it fed my anger,  I started having crazy ideas even when she had stopped moving I kept on stabbing her...stabbing her...and stabbing her. I had turned into a madman. Once my arms grew tired I slumped down on the ground and took a few deep breaths and wiping the sweat off my brow, I stared at the bloody body for a long time then quickly refocused myself, I then looked around quickly and dragged her body into the shadows of the trees and stayed there for ten minutes wondering what I should do. But I didn't have to think because I knew what I wanted but it terrified me for a few moments until I smirked at the dead girl, I had never felt like this before, it was like all the demons in Hell had took control of me putting disgusting thoughts into my head but those thoughts then turned into excitement, and I knew I had to put them to the test.

I had cleaned her as best as I could taking off my jacket to hide all the stab wounds I had inflicted on her then I flung her over my shoulder and made my way back home. I moved out of my parent’s house because they were beginning to piss me off a lot, they were always fighting and I could see the divorce forms coming at any moment, I managed to get myself a good steady job and a house which I could keep up with the rent. I walked quickly over to my house and was about to put my key into the lock when one of my neighbours walked into their front garden letting her dog out to do its business, she noticed me and gave me a long look, I remained calm as I opened my mouth to give her my response.

"Rough night" I told her pointing my head at the dead body, the women nodded her head and lit up a cigarette as I got my door opened and I walked into the kitchen. I sat her on a chair and picked up a large knife and studied the dead girl, I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do this, would I start with her fingers? Nose? Eyelids? Her nipples? I started off by slicing strips of skin off her arm and setting them on a plate, it wasn’t exactly easy to begin with but once I had finished with that arm I then moved down to her legs and it started getting very messy. Blood was everywhere now so I took the corpse down into the cellar and hunted out the blow up water slide, sat the body on it then began my work on her.

Three hours I was down there slicing her skin, pulling out her organs one by one, I left the heart till last, it was hard getting it out because of the bones I spent a good time with a saw trying to cut them in half but I eventually got it out. I wrapped up most of her organs and skin in tin foil and placed it in the fridge I had in the cellar but I kept out the heart and a few slices of the skin, I sat them on a silver tray and walked up back into the kitchen carrying the tray tightly in my hands. Switching the cooker on and placing the skin in a frying pan the smell of the flesh was horrid but it got better, almost mouth-watering. I opened the back door and stepped into the night, it was still bright outside for I decided to have my feast in the back garden. It was so delicious, I craved for more and more, I started eating the strips of skin first and when I came to the last one I heard next door's dog bark a couple of times. I glanced over at the fence had saw the little Jack Russell poking its nose through sniffing my meal; I grinned and made my way over to the dog and fed it the last piece of human. He looked like he enjoyed it as much as me.

Teenage TerrorsWhere stories live. Discover now