Sick Little Games

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Six teenagers sat around the glass circle table staring at the pair of dice sat in the middle, three girls and three boys, they had been nine of them but they had all lost the games. The first game they had been playing was Hide and Seek, each one hid deep in the darkness but it wasn't dark enough for Bella Ferguson, there had been a bang then the dim lights came up and she was lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a large hole through her head. Before her death they all took this as a big joke until they returned from their hiding places to find her body sitting upright in her chair, a few screamed at her and the other stared in horror. Death is never a joke. The other two players died because of cheating, round two was a question round every question they got if they did not know the answer the other would tap their thumb if it was yes or they would tap their middle finger if it was no, after six questions they were caught and two arrows were shot through the head and heart. The bodies of the two teenagers were collected by trapdoors in the floor, one of the girls got a quick glance of what lay beneath; large spikes and daggers, huge nails and running chainsaws that were ready to rip the dead bodies apart.

The six players that were left didn't speak or move until the trapdoor carefully shut, a couple of the girls broke into drowning tears while the other sat in silent running their hands through their hair. The youngest of the players was a fourteen year old girl, she had been walking home from school when she was grabbed from behind and blindfolded; she looked at the others, they were all so much older than her, seventeen, eighteen maybe nineteen she felt like a baby in front of them even though a few were acting like one. Her small brown eyes rested on the dice in front of her, the speakers crumbled as a voice spoke through it announcing that Round Three would begin in five minutes, her phone was missing from her pocket but she knew that long ago she kept on checking just to try and keep her hopes up that it would magically appear back inside. The silence echoed around the large room and it scared the girl much more than the sharp objects that were under the floorboards, she looked at the teenagers again, one made eye contact at her, the girl who stared back at her had too much make-up plastered on her face, long brown hair with blond hair extensions and brown eyes, she gave the older girl a small smile but she didn't even try to smile back.

"Hello...I'm Jessica Parker...I'm fourteen years old" God I even sound like a baby! She thought. A few heads stared at her but didn't say anything, sitting next to her was a boy who was swinging lightly on his chair he was fiddling with his jacket zip at the sound of her voice he also turned and he smiled.

"I'm David Douglas, I'm nineteen" as he finished speaking the speakers crumbled and the voice said that Round Three was to begin, David was asked to begin the game, he reached forward and held them tightly in his hand; the game was simply called 'Dice', if they rolled more than seven they were safe but anything lower than that player would be in trouble. David dropped the dice onto the table and he smiled when one of the dices landed on six he was already safe the other dice landed on three. The dice was passed clockwise making Jessica the last person to throw the dice. After David it was the girl with too much make-up, she got five, the next was a tall lanky looking boy with floppy brown hair, and he got six. Sitting next to him was another boy he had blue eyes and short sandy coloured hair, he smiled as he threw the dice which given the number ten, then next to him was a girl who had long pretty red hair and blue eyes, she lifted up the dice with shaking hands and then carefully dropped them onto the table, she also got five. Finally the dice was placed in Jessica's hand, she rolled them about in her palm and dropped them one at a time, the first landed on five, she sighed heavily as the last one fell from her hands, and it landed on two. Thank God. The voice said congratulations to the three of them then asked the red hair girl to pick up the dice. She was safe as the first dice landed on six and the other on five, the dice moved to the other girl and when she threw she only got three and finally the dice were settled in the other boy’s hand. He looked at the girl next to him, her eye make-up dripping off from her eyes, he closed his eyes and let go of the dice. He didn't open them until the voice again said congratulations. He had got ten.

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