The Sound of Death

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Sorry about the earlier confusion about this chapter...I put this in with the other before because I thought it was too short but the idea was kinda taken wrong (though that idea was freakin awesome) so hopefully this will fix things

Death is the sound of a clock, tick, tock, tick, tick, tock, it is the most frightening sound you'll ever hear, in your final minutes that's all you hear tick, tock, tick, tick, tock. I was inches from death I could hear the sound of Death getting louder and louder and I watched as the murderer grinned and walked away leaving me to die.

In those moments I prayed that the pain would soon end but it didn't. After lying; almost dead, a women found me, I blacked out though and then a few days later I woke up in hospital with two broken limbs, cracked ribs and a slow but steady beating heart. I was alive, just. The nurse told me that I was lucky and asked if I had anyone I could contact, I thought that was a rather silly question because from the clothes I was wearing the night I had been attacked were dirty, torn, fraying but that's the only clothes homeless guys like me can get.

I think that's why someone tried to kill me because I'm homeless, I see the looks I get off of people every day of disgust, pity and disappointment, all of those people must wish for me dead, I now wish that my attacker had killed me, I'm a waste of space. I've often thought about killing myself though I've never had the guts to do it, I placed the glass to my wrist and dragged it across but it wouldn't cut my skin so I must have been doing it wrong.

The staff said that they were trying to find my family but they couldn't, even if they did I would have been gone in an instant, I haven't seen my family in three years and I don't plan to any time soon. Everything was fine for a while when I left home; I had a small flat on good rent. However I started falling behind in it, I lost my job, my ex-friend had left me things fell apart and I couldn't fix it and therefore I became homeless.

On the seventh day of being in hospital I was fed up I found myself missing the streets and the friends I made while sleeping in doorways, I wanted to leave but they wouldn't let me...they said that a few of my family members had arrived.

At first I pleaded with the nurse to keep them away but she refused, said I need "company" she threw my hand off her arm and a few minutes later she reappeared and behind her followed two well-dressed men. This wasn't my family I didn't recognise them, the nurse left us alone, they stared at me for a long time and I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

"Would you like to take a seat?" I asked them.

"We're only here for a quick word Mr Rollestone, we need you to look at a couple of photographs, it’s about your attacker" said the one who wore a white shirt underneath his black coat. On the bed he laid out three photographs, two of them were clear and the other one was blurry but I knew the guy in the photo I didn't wait for him to ask me which one was my attacker.

"Him!" I shouted handing the photo back to him "That's the bastard who tried to kill me"

"Thank you Mr Rollestone we thought that this was the attacker he's been causing us trouble for a long time now. Now we have another request for you and we think you should accept it" he said.

I raised my eyebrow "I'm sorry what? Who are you?"

"We're the Angels and we've been trying to get this guy for years but he's smart, he keeps getting away with murder, slaughter...and we think we've got him now and a bunch of others like him. So Mr Rollestone how would you like to get revenge on your attacker?"

How could I refuse...

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