Boom, Boom, BLAST!

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From the outside the warehouse’s appearance was old, dirty and faded; it looked like if you threw a small stone at it the whole building would crumble down into the ground. The streets were deserted apart for the occasional car passing by and the lamp lights flickered dimly but everything was a strange silence, no wind or birdsong, no creaking sound of the swing in the nearby play park, silence.

But as the clouds parted to let the moon shine down off the surroundings below, quiet footsteps of expensive shoes approached the warehouse almost soundless. The figure turned around a corner and slid over to a metal door, tapped on it three times, paused, then tapped another three times; the door made a loud thudding sound and was pulled open slowly. The being who opened the door stared at the person for a few moments before nodding their head and standing aside to let the figure come indoors, they quickly walked inside and the door was shut again with another loud thud. It was dark in the room the person had entered but their eye sight was excellent and saw a corridor which was at the bottom of the room, it had another door, they rushed down and took hold of the heavy door handle and pushed it open.

Inside the room many people sat on chairs and tables drinking from wine glasses, large pint tumblers and laughing; in the far right had corner of the room were a few teenagers chained up to a wall and gagged, some were topless and dripping with sweat and tears, blood stained in some areas, a few of the stronger looking ones had looks of anger and bravery.

"Am I late?" they asked, a few heads turned but only one smiled and welcomed the newcomer.

"Not at all Alice, Mr Grey hasn't arrived yet,” he greeted her and embraced Alice with a warm hug “Is Edward with you?"

"Hello Vincent, no I'm afraid he couldn't attend tonight no matter how much he wanted to, he found his mother and I told him not to miss his chance, I would of went with him but I felt that he deserved to take his revenge alone, plus I wanted to meet Blake again I haven’t spoken to him in a while and also it gives me the chance to see my old friends" she told him giving him her best smile. Carefully taking off her fur coat and placing it on a chair she admired it then turned her attention to the other guests. The coat had belonged to a snobbish women who had bumped into Alice in a shopping centre, she had been rude to her and told Alice to watch where she was going. Alice didn’t like that, not…one…bit. That woman is no longer walking this Earth. Alice followed the women to her car, no one was around and Alice always carried a knife with her, for emergencies, she sneaked up on the women and dug it into the small of her back. The women now was frightened, the murderer told her to get in the car, the women in the drivers seat and Alice in the passengers side, they drove to a woodland area away from the city, Alice took her coat off before slitting her throat, she didn't want any blood to ruin the pretty coat.

Soon more teenage murderers arrived but the birthday boy hadn't turned up yet and bets were now being placed to see if he would even show up. But the silence echoed through the entire room when the heavy door was flung open like it didn't weight a thing. Blake moved into the centre of the room where he stood proud and smug looking at all of the faces of his admirers, he smiled showing off his white teeth making a few females swoon; walking further into the large room he took off his coat and dropped it onto the floor and in an instant a girl ran to it, picked it up, dusted it off and then neatly put it away with the rest of the coats. Blake smirked and walked to a throne like chair sitting at the back of the room waiting for him, he had requested that a throne should be made for his arrival and his fans had spent the full day making one. The little eyes of the killers didn't remove themselves from their hero and Blake smirked and waited for a few more minutes before speaking to his admirers.

"Hello everyone...this is a party isn't it? Get the entertainment started!" he laughed and a wave of his hand the room gathered life again and everyone returned to what they were doing. A few teenagers were taken away from the corner, some went into rooms, and some were used in games: "Stab the Knife Through the Heart" and "Human Piñata", many of the killers came up to him to show how much they loved him, it amused him for a while but Blake got bored too easily. He watched everyone in the room who were doing their own thing and the ones who weren't giving him any attention, he sulked; the God clicked his fingers and suddenly a boy appeared beside him and bowed "Much better" Blake said sitting up straight "There is a girl, over there” he pointed at the young woman “With the blond hair, bring her to me" he commanded. The boy rushed over to the girl Blake had pointed to, she listened to the boy then turned her head to the Idol and smiled then made her way over to her Master.

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